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I wake up to loud bagging on my door so I get out of bed and walk to my door and open it

Christan : hi
Tegan : hi
Christan : look I know your not ready but can u please explain what's happening
Tegan : why can't I have 1 thing to keep for myself for a bit
Christan : not when it's driving me crazy and it's kinda changed u
Tegan: nice
Christan : please
Tegan : it's a long story I don't even know evey thing
Christan : then say what u do know
Tegan : o...Ok

We sit down on my bed

Tegan : um u know Lily and Pete my perantes
Christan : well yh
Tegan : there not my real perantes they adopted me when I was first born
Christan : what . What do u mean they are your perantes
Tegan : adoptive
Christan : how did u find out
Tegan : I wake up one morning my phone was blowen up with so many missed calles from a number I had never seen so I answered . And it turned out to be a private investigator  but at first I thought it was a joke but I met up with her and I read the letter my real perantes wrote when I was born and I saw pitcher's of them holding me when I was born . And then she said they want to meet me so that's what I've been doing meeting them
Christan: woah so that's what I met when u said my whole life was a lie
Tegan : yh and it turns out I have siblings
Christan : when did they have u how old your siblings
Tegan : my mom was 15 and my dad was 16 they weren't ready to have me and then u got Ivan who's 17 that's who I've been playing football with and then there's bry who's 12 and she loves dancing like max and Lena
Christan : wait as in max and Lena are your perantes and u wernt cheating
Tegan : u thought I was cheating as well how could u
Christan : what else could I think
Tegan : get out my room now how could u . U are my bestfriend and even u think bad of me
Christan : I'm sorry
Tegan : I don't care get out I need to be on my own
Christan : ok

She leaves and I start packing a few things I need to get away from them they all think bad of me

After packing for a bit I get a call

Tegan: hello
Lena: hi are u ok
Tegan : yh fine
Lena: we were wondering if u could meet us today
Tegan : today isent the best I'm going away for a bit my friends keep thinking the worst of me
Lena: where are u going
Tegan : I don't know the cheast flight I can get away
Lena: it may be to soon but maybe u could come to Spain with us come visit our house and stay with us for a bit but it's up to u
Tegan : I'll come if u don't mind
Lena: of course not I'll book our tickets now come to the hotel
Tegan : thank u
Lena: I'll see u in a bit
Tegan : ok

I finish my packing and walk out of my room

Tegan : hear are the keys I'm going away with Lena max Ivan and bry help yourself to what ever u want
Christan: please don't go in sorry
Tegan : it's fine it just proves u don't trust me either out of Eveyone I thought u would the most
Christan : I do
Tegan : because I told u what's happening I'll see u soon
Christan : how long are u going for and where
Tegan : for as long as it takes for me to get over it and out the country bye

I walk out the door and down to my car and drive to the hotel

Christans pov

Corbyn : what did say
Christan : she told me the secret she's been hiding and I accidentally said aleast your not cheating and I know
Corbyn : why would u do that
Christan : I didn't know what she was doing so I thought it
Daniel : look what she just said on Snapchat

Corbyn : what did say Christan : she told me the secret she's been hiding and I accidentally said aleast your not cheating and I know Corbyn : why would u do that Christan : I didn't know what she was doing so I thought it Daniel : look what she j...

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Christan : what did i do
Zach: she will be fine
Jonah : what is the secret
Christan : i can't say it's not my place to say
Jonah : ok

Tegans pov

Its been a couple hours now we're in Spain on our way to there house and it's beautiful here

We finally pull up to there house and it's massive and beautiful

Lena: go show Tegan to her room I'm sure she's tired
Ivan : ok come on

He leads me to my room and it's nice all cream a double bed with fair lights all around .

Tegan: wow it's beautiful
Ivan: I know
Tegan : there's a piano and a guitar
Ivan : yh I play
Tegan : me to
Ivan : do u wanna sing something
Tegan : yh


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Tegan : me and Ivan just messing around having a good time getting to know each other

Tegan : u are amzing
Ivan : thank u
Tegan : we need to do that again at some point
Ivan : defiantly right I'm gonna go I need to unpack
Tegan : ok

He leaves and I walk out into my baloney and look at evey thing and I see a bunch of guys shouting

Guy: has visto a ivan
Tegan : I don't speak Spanish
Guy: sorry have u seen Ivan
Tegan : he's in his room
Guy: tell him Rico wants to see him
Tegan : ok

I walk out of my room and knock on ivans room

Ivan: come in
Tegan: I went on to my blacaney and someone names Rico was looking for u
Ivan: thank u
Tegan : ok

I walk back to my room shutting the door and sitting out side going throw my phone for a bit

Max: dinners ready come down

Me bry and Ivan head down and we eat

Lena: do u like it here
Tegan : yh it's really nice
Lena: good

We eat our dinner and we talk for a bit I then go upstairs and into my room . I grab my laptop watching a couple videos

Ivan: mum and dad want me to show u around the area so do u want to come out with me and my friends
Tegan: um sure
Ivan : ok come on then

Me and Ivan head out the door and we meet his friends Rico Callum Morgan and aj and there a bit older then Ivan about my age

Morgan : so what are u doing here
Tegan : me and my friends fell out and Lena offerd for me to come here for a bit
Morgan: ah ok
Rico: so what do u do u look familiar
Tegan : I have a YouTube channel
Rico: your the teganboyland my sister loves u
Tegan : nice
Callum : so how do u know Ivan
Ivan : do u mind me telling
Tegan : tell
Ivan : she's my sister our perantes gave her up when she was born because they were so young
Aj: wow u have an older sister
Ivan : yh
Morgan: and she's fit
Ivan : stay away she has a boyfriend
Tegan :we're not together anymore he's the one who beat up Max because he thought I was cheating in him with max
Ivan : oh but why would he think that he's so much older and he's your dad
Tegan: I've dated someone quite a bit older then me before
Ivan : oh
Tegan : and plus he dosent trust me
Aj: well why would he think that
Tegan: because I haven't told him about me being adopted and I've kept it a secret
Aj: ok

We stay there for a bit

Rico: we're about to roll do u want any
Ivan : no thanks
Rico: Tegan
Tegan: no thanks

After a bit longer me and Ivan head back and I go to my room getting changed into my pjs I go back to my laptop watching more vidoes for a bit longer

I then deside to read a book on the blacaney enjoying the view taking it all in

After about half way throw the book I get in bed tossing and turning not being able to sleep . I put a pillow on my face and that atchally helped I start to fall asleep

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