Chapter 3:Lonely.

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I felt lonely.

Thousands of people occupied this ship so I should feel lonely, right? Their slumber lasts for another eight years, and mine was unfortunately was interrupted.

I looked out the window and pondered. The only thing in my mind was just eight years, eight years, eight years. So much can happen in that time frame.

I was glad when Zachary finally got the hint and took off. I don't know where he went, nor do I really care. He could go die for all I care.

I stayed in the room where the pods held most of the people. I stayed in their for hours, looking around at the different people and their descriptions. Many of them were older women and men in their thirties or older, most likely wanting a fresh start to create a family. Although, I did come across a few people around my age.

I found a girl named Lucy. She is Mormon, and has long kinky curly blonde hair. She likes to read and she plays many instruments. When we reach our destination, she wants to be in the first concert orchestra that will be made. She's only 14. She looked so adorable.

I looked around some more, and found another girl and looked at her description. Dejah, had jet black hair in a pixie cut. The ends of her hair were dyed a hot pink. She loves indie music, and all music made before 2010. She is an artist, and used to live in San Francisco. Her favorite things in life are music, art, and animals. When she reaches the destination, she wants to expand her art career. I noticed a small heart tattoo near her right eye. I left without reading anymore.

Then I found Christian.

Christian was good looking. Saying he was good looking was an understatement. He had dark skin that looked just like chocolate, and his jawline could cut diamonds. His arms looked strong, and he had long eyelashes. He had short cut curly hair, that looked so soft. I wanted to touch it so badly. I read on about him.

Christian is an aspiring pro basketball player. He loves sports, and loves surfing. I read on more about him, but it was mainly about sports. He wanted to travel the world. His goal was to reach every famous place on earth at least once, and had achieved it. He wants to explore the new world and get to experience the beauty first hand. I smiled. I just wanted to hold him and have him close to me. It must have been love at first sight.

I then took a look at his age. My heart dropped. He was 26. I was only 17. I sighed and went back to the large window and cried. The one I began to like, was so far away from me. Just like my old home. So far away.

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