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If you have ever met a pair of twins you know that they are very close. Twins are given a best friend for life right at birth. They don't always need to look the same or be conjoined in order to to hold an unmistakably close bond. The Lupin twins, Hailey and Remus were no exception. 

The two tawny haired children did everything together. They slept in the same room, ate next to each other at the table, played together, their first words had even been each other's names. Despite being two different genders, at their young age they looked almost indistinguishable from each other. Both sported soft meadow green eyes, light skin, sandy brown hair, and identical heights and facial structures.  The only thing that distinguished them was Hailey's longer hair. 

The two four year olds were often seen running about the house in some makeshift costumes on some great adventure, adventures that usually ended in them sleeping on the living room floor. Both Hope and Lyall Lupin felt nothing but love and happiness when they watched their little children run throughout the house giggling and acting without not a care in the world. Like they had nothing more to do with their lives and nothing could ever go wrong, and, in their minds that was exactly the case. 

Not all good things are meant to last, however, the Lupin family wouldn't remain happy and laughing forever. Lyall and Hope would not always look upon their children with love and happiness but rather, sadness, and guilt. The Lupin family would soon be hit with a curse. A curse that could never end unless through death. 


Heyyyyyy this is the first ever thing I've published on this account! This is one of those stories that come to you when doing the dishes on a Sunday night. Nonetheless I love it and hope it turns out they way I want it to. Comment any suggestions or criticisms below and tell me what you think! 

I do not own any part of harry potter, all rights go to our lord and savior JK Rowling. The only character I own is Hailey. 

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