The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End

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Glowing amber eyes. That was the sight Remus awoke to just two weeks before his fifth birthday. There had been an odd, insistent scratching against the wall of the house, and now, forcing its way through the window beside him was a beast. Bigger than a bear, with matted, coarse black fur, claws long as kitchen knives, and teeth like hundreds of daggers under a malicious snarl. Its eyes were fixed on the cowering four-year-old in the bed. Its target. 

The beast's eyes held no mercy, only malice, and a cold, cruel, evil desire. A hunger. It broke through the glass and sprang on the boy, clawing him across the chest. Remus screamed awakening his sister across the room who watched in horror as the monster mauled her brother's face with its claws then chomped down hard on his leg. Remus screamed in agony and Hailey began sobbing. The wolf removed his jaws from the boy and moved his attention to her.

Hailey could see Remus writhing convulsing with agony as his cells were rewritten as that of a monster's. The wolf turned its attention to Hailey, stalking across the room to her bed it stared at her with a joyous and evil look in its eyes. As if it wanted her to see what it had done to her brother, wanted her to take in the information that she would soon be in a similar state of agony. brought its claws down the side of her face all the way down her neck and to her elbow. She too screamed. In the split second she began to do so the bedroom door banged open. 

Lyall Lupin let out a cry of fury and horror and began firing curse after curse at the beast chasing it out into the night once more.

 Hailey was bleeding out, the wolf had hit an artery. She was sobbing. Remus was still convulsing as the venom coursed through his veins. He was bleeding badly too, equal to if not worse than his sister.

"We need to get them to St mungos, now!" He yelled, frantically. 

"What- what was that?" stammered Hope staring in shock and absolute horror at her children and the window through which the beast had disappeared. She was pale and had a very slight tinge green to her skin. 

"A werewolf," Lyall replied. His voice low and on the verge of breaking. As if with these words he had confirmed the horror he had been in denial about since he laid eyes on Remus' agonized form. Which they had. His son was now and would be from this day forward a werewolf.


God, can I get any worse at writing? Probably. I hope this is decent, please leave comments below with suggestions and criticisms. To the one person who has read this story so far, thank you so much. 

As everyone here can probably tell by now. I DONT OWN HARRY POTTER the only thing I own is Hailey. Everything else is the property of JK Rowling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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