The Celebration Of Castiel Novak

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The next morning, Castiel awoke to find Dean's arms wrapped around him protectively, and he smiled.

He flipped around so that he was facing the blonde.

He began tracing his facial features lightly, and admiring the scattered star-like freckles,kissing him gently.

Dean's eyes fluttered open, and he stared at Cas with a lazy smile.

"Hey." he whispered, almost not wanting to interrupt him.

The raven haired man blushed and froze.

"S-sorry...was that creepy? It was sort of creepy. I am sorry. I was practically watching you sleep and-"

Dean kissed him, shutting him up within seconds.

"Shut it. I'd do the same thing to you. It was adorable."

Castiel huffed and wiggled his way away from his boyfriend, sitting up.

"I'm making you breakfast again, whether you like it or not. Your birthday is still happening Cas."

The raven-haired man didn't see any reason to argue with that.


It was Saturday, therefore, Sam didn't have to go to school, and Dean didn't have to work.

Castiel and Sam were sitting at the kitchen table, chatting quietly as the elder Winchester made pancakes.

After they ate, the three of them went off into their separate bedrooms.

Dean and Cas got into the shower, and it took longer than it probably should have.

Sam tried really hard not to think about that.

The Winchesters were headed off to the grocery store, to get cake, and something for dinner.

They were having a little family gathering, and they were going to be prepared.

Gabriel and Anna would be coming over later that afternoon.


The Winchester-Novak family of five, sat comfortably in the living room, between one couch and two goodwill arm-chairs, Johnny Cash playing quietly on the C.D player.

Castiel was sitting between Dean and Sam, well, actually, he was mostly sitting on or in Dean, however you want to put that.

Gabriel was leaning back in the ugly golden arm-chair, one leg swung over the other, eyeing his brother with a satisfied smirk.

Anna was next to her older brother in the baby blue chair, legs crossed pointedly, foot moving to the beat of the music.

There was a stack of nicely wrapped presents on the coffee table, which was in the center of their family circle.

"Alright, Frenchie, we're all ready. Go to town. What do ya wanna open first?" said Dean, grinning like a madman and tracing circles on his lover's hand.

Castiel blushed and scooted forward on the couch.

"CASSIE! I DEMAND YOU OPEN MINE FIRST!" Gabriel said, and earned multiple glares for his inappropriate behavior and loud tone.

"Calm your tits." snapped Anna, reaching over and hitting him playfully on the arm.

"Fine, Gabriel. I will open your gift first." Cas rolled his eyes, and found his older brother's poorly wrapped gift in the bottom of the stack.

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