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1. Yes but they're scratches my cat, I SWEAR I DON'T DO THAT.

2. Nope, not ever probably never will.


4. Nope

5. Pepsi, THEY CALL ME PEPSI no just me 😂

6. Many

7. Y'all know who you are

8. Well once I accidentally mistook a can a beer for my soda at a party cause it was dark as hell. I spit that shit out and drank my soda. I did have a small sip of a pina colada that contained alcohol but not enough to get drunk. DON'T DRINK CHILDREN PLEASE.

9. Nope

10. Artist

11. I dunno man

12. Yesterday

13. Black like my soul

14. 5'4 yes I'm small shush

15. August 9, 2003

16. Dark brown like very dark brown

17. Dark almost black hair

18. Kpop, my cats, my friends, music, drawing, my personality

19. Uh KPOP BECAUSE ITS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE as well as Korean rap.

20. Do friends count? If so yes my best friends are the ones I love so much and my family and ma cats.

21. Hug

22. Cece, Be Be Unnie, Cindy, Cinthi,

23. Jasmine by DPR LIVE

24. BTS

25. Being ignored

26. Anything that makes me happy is the best thing

27. Almost being killed in my own dream by two serial killers because I took their money.

28. Nope, never did in my 15 years of life.

29. Doing something behind my friends back without her knowing

30. Cross eyed face, placing just my pinky down while my other fingers stay put.

31. She knows who she is, I ain't gonna say her name.

32. Nope

33. Yes

34. Many

35. I think I'm okay, let's see what the voices in my head think about it.

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