One rainy night

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AN: This is my first time to write a story. I'm sorry for any grammatical errors! Anyway.. here it goes *Deep Breaths* I hope you guys like this one shot.

Disclaimer: The artwork above is not mine and all characters are not mine except for Hannah which is my OC here

After the mission, Feitan and Hannah were forced to pair together. They were done with the infiltrating the event and the mission was a success. They're now waiting for Shalnark to pick them up at the said location.

The rain started to pour before they even got to the location.

"Tsk" Feitan clicked his tongue. He hates the rain. He looked so cool in his formal coat and tie. The umbrella he always carried was broken because of the fight. The man looked at his companion who was smiling happily. He paused for a moment and was so mesmerised by her beauty. Her wavy black hair was down and her blue eyes shine in the moonlight. Her long black dress that hugged her body was now even tighter because of the rain. He thought he had never seen anyone who is as beautiful as her.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked trying to sound annoyed. The girl looked at him for a moment then turned back to the rain. She tried to catch the rain drops with her palm. "I love the rain. Don't you?" She replied. "It's annoying. It gets in the way. It's all muddy and its just water falling from the sky." Feitan looked away as he answered her. There was silence. He slowly did a side glance and saw that the girl was no longer paying attention to him. She was dancing in the rain. Skipping as they walked closer towards the said pick-up location.

He just kept on watching her. She was a bit taller than him. Especially when she wore her high heels. Good thing she took them off. Although now she's barefoot in the rain. That could get messy. However, she looked so peaceful. But he got worried. She might catch a cold. At last they arrived at the location. There was a convenience store behind them. He took her hand and dragged her inside the store.

"What's the matter with you?" Hannah complained as they got inside. "You might catch a cold." Feitan explained still sounding annoyed. "And suddenly your nice to me? Ha! What gives?" the girl scoffed and crossed her arms. She was slightly shivering now, only slightly because she is trying her best to control her shivers.

"See?" Feitan pointed out. He noticed she was cold and shivering. He took off his coat and placed it on her shoulders. This action surprised Hannah. Feitan has never done anything nice to her. Although the coat was also wet, it was warmer when she wore it because the inside of the coat was still dry. As Feitan disappeared in one of the aisles, she sat down at the counter where the glass window is in front of her and she enjoyed the view of the rain pouring down at the streets of Yorknew.

After a few minutes, Feitan came back with a box of tissue and 2 cups of warm coffee. He placed one cup in front of Hannah and took some tissue from the box. "They don't have towels or handkerchiefs." He explained. "You should at least dry your self and keep your self warm." He continued. The girl look at him for a moment and grabbed the tissue and tried to dry her self with it. She was really soaking wet its like she just got out of the shower. After drying her arms, neck and face she took a sip from her cup of coffee. She looked at the man sitting beside her. She didn't notice that she was staring at him for a while now.

"Tsk. What do you want?" Feitan asked in an irritated tone.

"N-nothing." She answered. There was a soft romantic song playing at the background. The girl started to hum a long.

"Why were you staring then?" The boy asked as he looked at her directly. She looked back at him and immediately stopped humming. The music continued to play. Her right hand on her chin. She leaned closer to him. Feitan's eyes widen. He could smell her. She smelled like rain and flowers.

"You don't look so bad." She started. "Hair soft." She stroke his hair with her fingers. "Skin nice." She traced his face. "And those lips...." She paused a moment and then immediately looked at his piercing grey eyes. "And eyes...beautiful" Her face is now inches away from Feitan's. The boy tried to lean back. What is she doing? He thought to himself.

"It's just..." She started. "Just?" Feitan asked with a hint of hope in his tone. "..your height." She leaned back to her seat and looked back at the window as soon as she finished saying her words.

"What did you say?!" Feitan scoffed.

"I said your height. You're too short." She teased as she patted his head. He moved away from her touch and glared at her.

"I probably can't date you...because you know... I'd look a lot older than you since I'm taller..." She pouted.

"Who said I'd date you?" He asked his tone ice cold as he did a side glance at the girl sitting beside him.

"Oh I know... You wouldn't date me... I don't really look like the girls you check out in that Trevor brown book you love to read." She rolled her eyes but somehow she looked sad and disappointed. She continued to gaze out the window while Feitan observed her. He noticed the music is still playing and the girl started tapping her fingers to its beat.

"I really love this song though." She replaced her frown with a smile but her eyes still seemed sad. She continued to hum along.

They've known each other for a few months now. But she has never shown any interest in the boy until now. Well maybe its also because he kept ignoring the signs. He brushed every glances he'd catch or the comments she'd say about him that he'd hear and the random touches she did at his arm, chest, back... every now and then as nothing but a friendly gesture or maybe just out of curiosity. But there's something about this night. Maybe something changed?

"I'm stronger than know?" He broke the silence.

"Yeah. I know." The girl turned her eyes on Feitan seeming uninterested with their conversation.

"Besides... you don't look old. I doubt they'll think you're older than me even when we're... together..." He told her. This made him uncomfortable. He was baring his emotions to this girl and he has never done that with anyone else before.

"You think so?" She leaned in closer to him again. This time he leaned closer to her too.

"Yes." He answered.

"Fei?" Hannah said his name. "Yes?" He continued looking at the girl. "I feel cold." The girl pouted. So the boy leaned closer and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Hannah placed one hand on his chest and the other on his cheek. Little by little they closed the gap between them. And soon enough their faces were an inch away. They could feel each other's warm breath. Hear each other's beating heart.. which oddly enough is beating faster than usual. They looked into each other's eyes.

"Hannah I.." He started to speak. Suddenly in their peripheral vision a black sedan pulled over. They immediately pulled away like magnets. You can see Shalnark hurriedly got out of the car with an umbrella.

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's go!" Shal told them as he got inside the store.

They looked at each other and stood up. As they ran towards the car, Feitan entwined his fingers with Hannah's.

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