Chapter 3: Dream Lover

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Currently, I was in a diner with Bucky, sipping on a chocolate milkshake. This was our 10th date and he had asked me to be his girl. It has been at least 8 months here which seemed to fly by. Steve wasn't here since he was trying to enlist in the army once again. I met Steve officially when Maril and I went to the market. It was quite embarrassing on my part.


I held onto a basket slowly following Maril as she looked through the list. "I need a thing of oats, Sweetie. Could you run and get it for me?" "Yes ma'am." I walked to an aisle in search of the oats. I hummed a tune to myself as I found what I needed. Unfortunately, it was on the very top of the shelf. I looked around, making sure no one was around. I tried to jump for it but failed miserably. I laughed a bit at how short I was. I tried once more, failing at my short attempt.

"Need a little hand?" I turned around to see Bucky there with a smaller man behind him. I nodded my head and looked down out of embarrassment. He got it from the shelf and handed it to me. "Oh, this is Steve, my best friend." I held out my hand to him. "I'm Blaire. Very nice to meet you, Steve. I have to get going. Someone's waiting on me." I smiled, waving goodbye to them. I saw Maril giving me a questionable look. "Who are those handsome boys?" She said to me. I blushed. "Friends." I said, giving Bucky and Steve a smile before heading out the grocery.


"So Blaire, have you found that man yet?" He smirked as he leaned forward. I looked down, fixing my navy blue skirt. "I haven't. Maril and I have been searching but nothing has came up." He tried to catch my wandering eyes in his. He smiled widely, giving me a sense of comfort. "What's your favorite color, doll?" A slight blush appeared my cheeks at the sign of endearment. "I really navy blue or white. How about you, James?" His sharp jaw clenched as he chewed on his food. His blue eyes gleamed brightly in the sun as it created a smirk on his lips again. "I would have to say green or maybe even gray. But blue does look good on you." I smiled a dimpled smile. I began to ramble on about how I played piano. I knew Bucky was going to be shipped off tomorrow and I wanted to make the most of it. I wanted him to stay.

"Did I ever tell you that you are very beautiful?" Bucky said, confidently. I stopped talking mid-sentence as I blushed at his words. I was about to tell him no but Steve stood at the door, looking for us. I waved my hand at him, calling his name. He smiled once he saw me. His small frame walked sadly towards our table. "How did it go?" His upset aura gave it away. "Not well." I grabbed his hand, giving it a subtle, reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, Steve! I'm pretty sure you'll get it next time!" My thick british accent made him smile. "Thank you, Blaire." We sat in silence until Bucky spoke. "Blaire, I was wondering if you would like to join Steve and I for the World of Tomorrow exhibit tonight?" I looked at him, causing me to blush. He tilted his head at me. "So what do you say, doll?"

"I might have to ask Maril first. I don't want her to worry about me but I'm sure she will be fine with me going." He nodded, earning a toothy smile from him.


After my dinner with Bucky and Steve, we went to drop Steve off at his apartment. I stood a couple metres away as him and Bucky talked privately. Only a couple of minutes later, Bucky asked to walk me home. Of course I said yes. It was a crisp night and the stars were brighter than usual. I smiled and looked at Bucky, who was already looking down at me. "What?" I said, shyly. "Nothing. I just.. How do I explain this? Well, I haven't felt like this in awhile." I looked at him, confused at what he was saying. "Like what, Buck?"

He smiled, giving a small laugh. "I feel like everything is perfect. You are here and I feel like I'm floating on clouds with you. You are... perfect." I chuckled to myself. "Can I be honest?" I spoke quietly. He nodded his head. I soon realized that we were at my destination. We both stopped and faced each other. "I feel like I've known you all my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.... Sorry if that sounds crazy." He hushed me from rambling by landing a short kiss on my lips. I stood still, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you too." My heart was thumping out of my chest and my face flushed. "Good night, Bucky." I said softly, fiddling with my dress. 

"Goodnight doll."

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