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What is your story? (All of the zodiacs know each other)

I'm sorry

You are twin brother/sister to Pisces. Your father had abandoned your family while your mother had always been sickly. You and Pisces had to get a job as soon as possible to help keep food on the table. When you were 13, your mother died leaving you and Pisces up to adoption. You both were separated when you were adopted. You had been adopted by an abusive family. After a few years of being a slave, you snapped and murdered your adoptive family. After that you ran away into a forest where you found the proxies who brought you to the mansion were you saw your old friend Aries.

You had always been popular at school. Your great sense of humor and optimism had lead you to being one of the most populour kids. One day of school a boy that looked a year or two older than you started to talk to you. Something seemed off about him, but you couldn't put your finger on it... I mean he couldn't do anything bad to you since you were in such a populated area like school. Anyways you actually had a good conversation. His name was Eric and you guys had a lot of things in common. He didn't seem that bad... or so you thought.
*time skip*
The next day you came to school, but something seemed strange. No one and I mean NO ONE was there, not even the sweet old lady at the front desk. You started moving towards your homeroom. You looked through the small opening in the door. Darkness. You slowly opened the door to see a candle lit room. You gasped as you saw blood driping down the wall. Your gaze moved to the middle of the room were your teacher was laying dead. "Ah my dear Gemini you've finally arrived!" You slowly to turned to see Eric, his gray hoodie soaked in blood. You just stood there in fear. "E-Eric what happened?" "I killed her for you. Don't you see? I did it for you! Now that no one us in our way, we can be togeather forever!" At this point you ran away from Eric. "My dear you can never run away from me, my dear Gemini!" Eric tackled you, blood dripping down onto your face. You closed your eyes and excepted you fate as he raises up his knife. Silence. Silence was the only thing you could hear until gurgling screams echoed through the room. Squiting your eyes open you saw Eric coughing up blood and roll over dead. "How annoying." A strange voice surrounded you as static filled your ears. The last thing you saw was a tall man in a bloody suit. Once you woke up you were tackled by Aries and Taurus into a loving hug.

I'm sorry

I'm sorry


'm sorry


'm sorry

You have always been a strong person. If someone sneaked up behind you, I bet that you would be karate chopping that person in half. But one day, you were walking home from school. You started walking down an alleyway that was supposed to be a short cut to your house. About half way there, three shady guys stepped out of the shadows.
"Hey there pretty man/lady." A gross looking guy gave you a toothy grin.
You stepped back into a defensive position.
As you managed to fight off men, a pair of curious eyes followed your movement.
A little girl in a tattered and bloody pink dress holding a teddy bear stepped out from the shadows. "Wow your really cool Mr/Ms! Can I show you something" She chirps.
You nod and she takes you to a huge mansion.
"Welcome home."

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

Even as a child you were reckless. Especially in the love department. The other zodiacs warned you multiple times to be wary, but you still went with your ways. After time and time again of being heartbroken, you snapped. You killed your ex-boyfriend after he said he would rather date your best friend. After that you sat in the 20° weather on the empty street corner. You wanted to die, you wanted to leave this cruel world. Before you could freeze to death, a killer with long black hair and a mask came out of the shadows. She sighed and dragged you back to the mansion. When you woke up, you were greeted with a hug from Virgo.

You are twin brother/sister to Taurus. Your father had abandoned your family while your mother had always been sickly. You and Taurus had to get a job as soon as possible to help keep food on the table. When you were 13, your mother died leaving you and Taurus in the adoption. A few days after Taurus was adopted, you were adopted. You were brought into a great family that you loved. But one night, that all changed when a certain killer with a carved smile came and murdered everyone in your house. When he came into your bedroom you fought him. This made him intrigued in you. Once he knocked you out, he took you to the mansion. Once you woke up you found the other zodiacs there along with your long lost twin sister/brother, Taurus. There were many tears and hugs shared that night.

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