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You wait. For what it feels like hours, you wait for his return. You don't know if it will work, but you had to try. You don't trust Michael, but for this time you hope that his abilities are enough to bring Misty back. You staked your title as the Supreme on this final test of the Seven Wonders, and you know what the outcome will be if Michael does return. You don't care. For her, you would do anything.

A sharp gasp. In an instant, Michael is back. He has returned, but without company. You feel pain in your chest. She really is gone for good.

But then, something happens. A form begins to shape on the ground, a veil of dust clears to reveal the form of Misty Day.

For a moment, time stands still. You take it in. She lies before your eyes, she's there, she's alive. You rush forward.

"My dearest Misty," a soft whisper, the words escaping from your lips as your knees hit the floor. The great love you thought you had lost lays right in front of your eyes, cold and motionless, yet she is there. Just as beautiful as you had remembered her to be.

Her eyes flutter open, and for a moment you forget how to breathe. Her gaze falls on you and you lose yourself in those beautiful blue eyes you never thought you would see again.

Hands shaking. With the lightest of touch, gentle fingers caress soft skin. She is cold to touch yet you are filled with warmth.

Her expression changes from confusion to realization. "Am I...?" she asks as if to reassure herself that she is indeed no longer trapped in her continuous hell. She is in your arms, warm, safe, loved.

"You're back. You're safe."

For years you have dreamt of the moment you would reunite with her. With each passing day you tried to hold on to hope. You still remember the day she disappeared to dust in your arms. You remember the loss, the heartbreak, the agony. You regret it all.

She is here now. You want to embrace her. To trace every inch of her with your eyes and then fingertips, to relish in her presence. You hug, you never want to let go.

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