prologue || 0

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"I was thinking... maybe we could draw straws?" 

Soren trembled, shrugging his shoulders with a fake, nervous grin. I sighed, raising my hand slightly, knowing that I would be the only one to actually step up and be the hero. It's hardwired in my brain, like the "Main Character" of some stupid game.

Hey, that rhymes! 

Anyway.. why did it have to be me? This said "main character" should've been Petra, the ultra-strong warrior, or Lukas, the gorgeous, spectacular, smart, magnificent and selfless archer who's also amazingly good at building? 

Why did it have to be me, the stupid, ugly, weak guy with the pig? 

No hard feelings, Reuben, but still.

Why is it suddenly "Stress Jesse Out Day" every single day now? Why-why-why why-why? Why did it have to be me?

I could feel everyone staring at me, their gazes piercing into me, waiting for me to step up the stairs; which didn't make my dumb hope-meter any higher. The silence started enclosing me, tiny voices just whispering in my ear, breathing down my neck, begging for me to just take the stance. 

"Go be the hero." 

"Nobody else would, but you will." 

"You might die, but that's okay."




And that I did.

Shaking my thoughts and the voices away, I finally stepped up the stairs, terror running through my veins as I turned to everyone and stammered out the words;

"I'll do it."

Soren let out a sigh of relief, letting go of his tense expression, putting on a new one of pity. "Oh..okay," was all he said, staring into me, making me tremble even more.

"We should be ashamed of ourselves," Gabriel announced, stepping forward yet still clutching his Wither-infected arm. "We are the Order of the Stone."

Magnus and Ellegaard both slumped their shoulders in shame. But then, Ellie changed her whole expression. Stepping up, she placed her palm on her armor covered chest.

"Take my armor." She declared.

Magnus, his only motive not wanting to be outdone by Ellie, then shout;  "No, take MINE!"

I dart my eyes to the both of them as they continued bickering on who's armor I should take, while also shouting numbers and the correct way to say them. I look at both, analyzing both of their sets. Ellie's armor is terrific, no doubt, but Magnus' armor is built for withstanding explosions. Both had no helmet, which was fine by me, it's only the body protection that actually mattered.

Content with my decision, I silenced both of them and pointed to Magnus' set.

"I'll take Magnus'."

I swallowed hard as he cheered in the victory over Ellie, yet a premonition filling my thoughts, sending cold shivers down my spine, breaking me out into a subtle cold sweat.

Something bad is going to happen.

I don't know when. Don't know how. Don't know what will happen or to who. I just know that it's going to strike. 

And it's going to change everything. Everything I thought I knew, everything I thought I had.

Then I suddenly heard my own voice in my head, shouting at me to believe in myself. To not give up now. I've been through so much already, that this should be no problem. If you're the main character, nothing happens to you, right?

I felt as if I wouldn't be able to hear the encouragement for much longer.


i was really nervous to publish this, but here it is! 

its a really short prologue, I know. but the chapters will probably get unreasonably long later on. also, luktra will be the main ship here. one-sided jesskas is the 2nd main because I love putting Jesse through more pain and suffering and heartbreak while having to carry the worlds fate on his shoulders.

speaking of Jesse: he's the usual one I use. and if you don't know who that is, its the one with pink suspenders from the season 2 selection.

also, credit where credits due, this story is inspired by "decibels" on hasn't been updated since December 2017, so I decided to make my own story based off of it. you can read it here (beware: it sometimes uses strong language):

also, credit to "movie mode", possibly my favorite mcsm fanfic ever, for introducing me to decibels (also has strong language):

they are both great reads. like, really amazing. anyway, ill stop ranting now, bye bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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