What Just Happened?

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After a long quiet drive, I decide I want to break up with Austin, unless he can really do something to show me he has changed. We get to Grandma and Grandpas house, Grandma meets us outside and tells us the rules and gives us a key. She says Uncle Eric will be there in a few days to take over for us. That night after Grandma and Grandpa leave josh and I rent a movie and go to find a few board games. "I can't believe that you almost grew up here." I say "You know we both almost did."
"Yea, Mom and Dad talked about moving back to Philadelphia, he could get a job here in Philadelphia and live at home for a while until They got on their feet."
"Was I born yet."
"Yea, you were 2 months old."
"Ha, that's weird to think about."
"Yea, it is."
"Hey, josh can I ask you kina of a serious question?"
"Sure, what do you need Ry?"
"Did you ever meet Eliot?"
"Riley, this can never leave this house, okay."
"I did meet Eliot."
"What was he like?"
"Ry, he was a baby I was like one or two. I don't remember much about him, all I remember is the fighting that came in the following days."
"Do think I will ever get to meet Eliot."
"I don't know Riley." I once again lay my head up against my Big brother and fall asleep. The next morning I wake up in a bed with no one to be found. I walk downstairs and see Josh making breakfast, "morning sleepy."
"Morning Josh."
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yea, you?"
"Yes, did thanks for asking." We ate breakfast and sit in the house and watch movies, josh and I are both Movie buffs so we will watch about anything. I look down and see my phone buzzing and the caller id says it's Dad. "Josh, turn it down, Dads calling." I answer the phone. "Hello, this is Riley"
"And Josh!" he yells from the background. "Riley, is your phone on speaker?"
"No, but it can be."
"Make it."
"Ok, give me a sec." I put the phone on speaker and turn it up loud. "You're on speaker, go."
"Eric will be there in about four hours I need you two home A.S.A.P"
"Okay, should we wait here for Eric?" Josh asks "Yes, but have everything in the car ready to go."
"Josh asks. "You two are getting an early Christmas present this year."
"What is it?"
"Well, it's kind of hard to explain."

Pretty soon Uncle Eric pulls up into the drive way. "Squirt!" he yells to Josh. He gives him a hug "How's my baby brother/ Nephew doing?""Great Eric, but there is someone else you should say hi too." He turns around "Princess Riley! How much of that did you hear?""It's okay Uncle Eric, she knows." Josh says "did Cor finally tell you?""No.""Topanga?""No.""Did your Brother tell you.""Which one, I have three.""You know about that too.""Yea.""Do your parents know you know.""No, and at this point I don't want them too.""Good, now you two need to get home, your mom and Dad have a surprise waiting for you." I climb into the car and see Josh walk back over to Eric, I crack open my door so I can hear their conversation. "What did Cory and Topanga get us?""Well, what kind of Uncle would I be if I told you.""You know, sometimes I wish I was just your brother.""Squirt, never say that again.""What?""Corry and Topanga raised you as their own, you would have had a very different life if you would have stayed here, I love you Josh. You will always be my Baby brother but, your my nephew and I wouldn't want it any other way.""Thanks Uncle Eric.""Your welcome squirt." Josh comes and gets back in the car and we start our long ride home. When we finally get there we see an unfamiliar car outside. We enter the house to see a big surprise, "Congratulations MR. and MRS. Matthews, it will probably be a few weeks before its finalized but he can live with you until then, He will be here tomorrow at 10:00 am.""Thank you and we will see you in the morning.""Goodnight, see you in the morning." The person walks out gets in the car and drives away "Dad? What just happened.""Well, Josh. You're going to be a big brother again.""Do I get to be a big sister again!""No. Riley, Josh I have a story I need to tell you. After Josh was born and before you were born, we had a baby boy named Elliot. His full name is Elliot Parker Matthews; we put Elliot up for adoption. A few weeks later he was adopted, sadly a few weeks ago his parents left him and so he was once again put up for adoption. When we found out that he was your mother and I decided we wanted to try to get our baby boy back. Well, we didn't expect it to go this fast, we thought he would movie in after Christmas. Turns out he's moving in tomorrow morning." Josh and I sit there silent before blurting out at the same time "Elliot's coming home!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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