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"So let me get this straight...... you're leaving on June 15th.......and will be back on December 23rd?" I asked as Michael and I sat at the dining room table, talking about the next few months to come.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Oh my god," I cringed, placing my face in my hands.

"At least I'll be home for Christmas," he said.

"Yeah but will you be here for Christmas of 1992?" I said with an attitude.

"Probably not...." he sighed.

"God damnit! Do you understand how much stress this is gonna put me through?" I yelled.

"Shelby, the kids are in the other room," Michael reminded me.

"What's wrong mommy?" Matthew asked as he and Sofie stood in the door frame.

"Nothings wrong, buddy," Michael said calmly.

"Michael, there's no point in telling them later, we're just gonna have to tell them now," I glared.

"Kids, come here," Michael waved them over.

They walked over slowly, small toys still in their hands.

"Okay.... do you know what a tour is?" He asked.

"Michael, their 7 and 3," I reminded him, as I crossed my arms.

"Right, right. Okay anyway, you know that I'm a singer. And my job is to entertain people. So I go around the world and sing and dance for people, understand?" He explained.

They both nodded.

"So starting this coming up summer, I have to do my job and entertain people all around the world. But, my boss says that in order for me to do my job correctly, you guys and mommy can't come with me," he said.

They both looked extremely confused.

"God I wish I could just choke Frank!" I yelled.

"Shelby! The kids...." Michael said, making me calm down.

"So you're gonna leave us?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah.... and I won't be back for a very long time," he said, tearing up.

The kids just stared at him for a second is silence, until

"Eeeeehhhhhhhh," Sofie started crying.

Matthew joined her in crying a bit after Sofie, as they just stood there.

"Awww guys I'm so sorry. You know I love you so much I wish so badly that I could take you with me," He said, hugging them both tightly.

"B-but I don't want you to leave daddy!" Matthew cried.

"Yeah, I love you daddy!" Sofie cried too.

"I love you so much more, you two," He gushed.

"Wait are you gonna take Bubble?" Sofie asked with the most serious face I've ever seen in my life.

"I don't know, mayb-"

"NOOOOOO! BUBBLES IS MINE!!" Sofie screamed, running off.

Michael and I exchanged looks, before taking off after her. Her voice echoed through the entire house, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Sofie? Baby where are you?" I yelled.

"Princess? Where are you?" Michael called out.

Her screaming stopped. She'd gotten bubbles.

"Oh shit....," Michael almost whispered.

"They could be anywhere!" I shouted.

"God this is all my fault!" Michael said, throwing up his hands.

"You've got that damn right," I snared.

"You know Shelby, being negative isn't gonna help this situation as a whole! Yes I know, I'm an asshole for leaving you that isn't helping," he shot back.

"Okay well when I leave you for over a year we'll see how you feel," I yelled.

"God whatever," he rolled his eyes.

"I'll look in the rides, you look in the zoo," I said as if that small fight didn't even happen.


I ran at off the house and along the path to amusement park area. I looked around the carousel, the Ferris wheel, everywhere. They were nowhere to be seen. So I ran past the rides and along the long path that after about 10 minutes YES 10 MINUTES leads to a lake overseeing the mountains that surround Neverland.

I ran as fast as I could, not looking back. If my baby was out here, I needed to get to her before something bad happened. Sometimes I wish Neverland wasn't this big.

The sun began to set as I ran and ran along this path.

"DID YOU FIND HER?!" I hear Michael yell from the top of his lungs from the zoo.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK?" I shot back.

He shook his head and began to run my way. I let my breath catch up with my body until he got to me.

We took one look at each other and Michael said "let's go,"

We ran as fast as we could down the long windy path until we finally got to the lake.

"," I breathed as we fought our breathes.

Sometimes I forget how breathtaking the lake was. But reality hit me and I shook my head.

"Okay you go right I go left," Michael said.


I sped walked down the right side of the dirt ground, constantly searching through the branches across from the lake.

"I can't find her anywhere!" I cried.

"KEEP LOOKING!" Michael screamed.

It kind of startled me, but it also motivated me.

I continued to look for Sofie and bubbles until.

"I FOUND HER!" Michael yelled.

I turned faster than lightening to see Michael at the other side of the lake with Sofie in his arms.

"Oh my god," I said quietly as I ran to meet them.

"Oh Sofie don't you ever run off like that," I cried.

"But Daddy was gonna take bubbles and I didn't want him to," she explained.

"Wait, where is Bubbles?" I asked.

"He right there," Sofie pointed.

As if on cue bubbles came out of the brush and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Come on, let's go back to the house," Michael said, as me, Bubbles, Sofie, and Michael all walked back to the house.

A/N OKAY YALL I KNOW, I KNOW. I haven't updated in ages but I've been SOOOOOOO busy. So from now on I plan to update every Friday or Saturday.

Love y'all 💗

You Are Not Alone (Part 2 of It Started In Gary IN.)Where stories live. Discover now