First Encounters

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The room was silent, you'd come to enjoy being the only person who decided on morning detention, rather then taking care of after or during lunch. The detention teacher was sitting at his deck thoroughly going through today's newspaper, as he held his steaming cup of coffee above his lips. He was hardly paying attention to you, so you decided to lay your head down and shut your eyes, resting them until the bell rang. The door to the classroom opened, but you didn't bother raising your head, assuming it was a teacher.

"Mr.Grier, you're 20 minutes late." Our detention teacher said, it took all the self control you had to not to shoot your head up and look to see which one of the Griers was gracing your presence.

"Take a seat, Nash." He added before Nash could explain why he was late. "And head up Ms. y/l/n!" You slowly lifted your head sending the grumpy bald man and glare. Nash smiled at you, his eyes not leaving yours once as he searched for a seat, deciding to sit in the one directly in front of you.

You'd had a crush on Nash since 7th grade, you kept it to yourself though, knowing your friends couldn't keep it a secret. He barely knew who you were, even if you had been going to school together for 4 years, and now, he was vine famous, he had millions of girls who would gladly keep his attention.

"Y/n, right?" He smiled, you looked at the teacher before simply replying with a small smile and a nod.

"Do you always do morning detentions? I know you get them a lot but I never see you in lunch or after school detention?" He questioned. You were known for sassing back to your teachers, or putting the other people in your class in there place, often causing you to get in trouble.

"Yeah, I like getting it taken care of, and not having to waste my only social hour with Mr.I Can't Get Laid, and I have a life after school." You laugh, Nash smiled and looked as if he was going over what you'd just said in his head.

"Is it always only you in here?" He asks. And you nod. "You might have a new detention buddy, gorgeous."

You could feel the blush creepy up on you but you still found it extremely odd that Nash Grier was flirting with you.

"I'll be looking forward to that." You smiled, just as the bell went off.

SHORT; Nash Grier ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now