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I'm Ninjara, a student at Rasen Ninjutsu University and a competitor in the ARMS League. Though I'm sure you already knew that.

As I mentioned in the background of this "ask blog," I decided it would be alright to start welcoming questions and comments from everyone.

I would like to thank you all for supporting me in my matches, and I would also like to lay down a few rules.

Understand that I am also a student, and I can be occupied by my classes and studies. I cannot guarantee that I will be there to answer questions right away. However, I will do my best to reach you all as quickly as I can.

I won't answer any extremely personal or highly inappropriate questions, so please refrain from doing so. I'll be the one to decide what my limits are.

Aside from that, I am willing to answer any other questions. If a certain question is repeated multiple times, I will answer it again in the future.

"Ask away," I suppose.

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