chapter 1: the choosing ceremony

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Shinso POV:

all the teens are lining up in front of the totem that has chosen them but I'm not in any line since I was chosen by the forgotten totem which means I am going to be ganged up against the others since 3 days after the choosing ceremony the totem holders have to work together to fight the other totems so I'm going to be picked off when the flash bang tag goes off "so you must be 'really special to be chosen by totem that hasn't chosen anyone is six generations" said the village elder "yeah I must be hehehehe" I said while laughing nervously "you do know you'll be fighting against a chosen group member in a free for all fight right" said the fight instructor "really wow I thought that I would have to-" and just before I could finish my sentence Kai Sen said "how it that any fair for the group fight at least let him be in the group fights with none totem holders" I got angry that I just said to him "I don't need a group to take on your group Kai Sen I have both the speed and element type advantage against your whole group and right now you should shut up before someone gets hurt and for the future try to resent yourself before you present yourself now leave" Kai Sen was so angry at that and the village elder heard all of that and everyone was shocked to have seen me lose my temper in front of the elder since the last person who had done something like that had their life taken by being banished from the village forever "well that settles it then Shinso will be partaking the group fights" said the elder when I heard that I snapped at him saying "Are you crazy old man I can't fight against five groups all on my own" everyone even Kai Sen collapsed from the shock of the way I treated our elder, the elder looked at me then looked at the fight instructor then back at me and he just simply said "is that all or do you still have some stored up anger that you need to release" everyone didn't understand why our elder was treating me differently I was still angry so "you know what yeah I do have to say something, I wish to god the Kai Sen would leave me alone for a whole week so I can get some peace around the dojo, I hope that my mum can stop worrying about the fuck tards that have been scaring her half to death and I wish I was treated normally like would it kill everyone to just stop running away from me when I get angry" I said so despite for these changes then "how about you just go back home and cry to your mummy you pathetic scumbag" everyone starts to laugh expect the elder and his officials then the totem I was in line for starts glowing with rage and a beam of crimson red light shots up then bends and it hits me apparently this is how the choosing works so with this information I was chosen by right to be the holder of the forgotten totem known as Kemono (if you want the translation ask me in the DM's people) when the beam was hitting me I could feel the totems rage I can feel his suffering it was so similar to mine I could feel his past I can see his past "I... I.... I can feel the anger and suffering of the totem, I can see its past I feel its pow-" before I could finish my sentence again a bolt of lightning hit me and I pasted out cold

so how is this new story everyone I know I have so many unfinished story right now but I can only update that one when I update the other book on my first account so please comment and vote for this story and if you follow me I'll follow you right back alright I'll see you guys later bye

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