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(hey face reveal lmao hi)

Peter's POV

"Do you want to come over to my house tonight?" Mary Jane asked me, smirking.

"Uh, sorry, I have a test to study for," I said, looking at the door. I saw (Y/n) walk in, and she looked gorgeous. I forgot that she was coming back to school today. Tony told me, but I guess I wasn't paying attention. 

I really didn't like Mary Jane. It's just that since (Y/n) hated me, I wanted to have a relationship with someone still. Plus, she wouldn't leave me alone.

It probably doesn't make sense, but it does in my mind.

I missed her. So much. There wasn't a day that I didn't think about her and only her. I wanted her back so badly.

"Peter. I'm more important than a test. I am your girlfriend, after all," Mary Jane said. I rolled my eyes.

"This is my midterm, MJ. Plus, you aren't my girlfriend," I said, closing my locker.

"Fine. I will be one day, Parker. I look forward to the day," she said, brushing her hand against my crotch. I blushed as she walked away.

I saw (Y/n) walk into her class. English. I knew her schedule, and she knew mine. I don't know if she even cared about mine anymore, but I still knew hers.

I had third period with her. Chemistry. Something we currently lacked. The teacher moved seats while she was gone, and we used to sit next to each other. Now she sits next to someone named Bella, whoever that was. One of her friends, I think.

I sit next to Ned. MJ is in that class, and she tried sitting next to me, but Ned beat her to the seat. Thank god. I wonder how (Y/n) and MJ being in the same class will play out.

Probably not good.

Hopefully (Y/n) wouldn't blast me or something. Maybe her schedule was changed. Who knows. I guess I'll just have to wait.

I walked into my first period, which was this weird elective that they made me take. It was all about presenting and stupid shit like that.


(Y/n)'s POV

I walked out of my English classroom to my next class. Math. I hated math, and now since I had been gone, it would be even worse.

Luckily, I was pretty good at math. Good at it, but hated it. I was in the advanced classes. Technically, I was the top of my class. Behind Peter.

I walked into the class and sat down in my usual seat. Somehow, I remember where it was. The class went by fairly quickly, since I wasn't paying attention.

Next was chemistry. My least favorite class. Peter was in it.

He was also in my lunch and study hall, and I was dreading those two classes. I walked in and was immediately stopped by the teacher.

"(Y/n)! You're back! You sit back there next to Bella," the teacher said. I nodded and walked to the back. I sat next to Bella, who was leaning back in her chair and on her phone, listening to music.

"What are you listening to?" I asked.

"Marilyn Manson," she replied. She was what you would call, extremely "emo". Not goth necessarily, but almost.

She had dark red hair with side bangs, black glasses, and wore all black all the time. She listened to loud music that scared me.

Today she was wearing a My Chemical Romance T-Shirt, a plaid mini skirt, and fishnet tights.

Enough about Bella, and back to the story.

"There he is," Bella said, motioning to the door.


He walked in, with Ned following him. They were laughing about something. Up until Peter saw me. His expression dimmed as he sat down.

Suddenly, Mary Jane walked in. Great. She's in my class. She winked at Peter and sat down in the desk in front of me. I smirked evilly.

Class went on, and the teacher was giving a lecture. I decided to play some mind games.

I took control over Mary Jane's mind, and made her fall out of her chair. I stopped the mind control, and smirked as she laid on the ground.

"Mary Jane Watson. Do you have a problem?" The teacher asked. I tried not to snort.

"Um, no, sorry ma'am," MJ said as she got up and sat back down, flustered. I smirked to myself and continued to take notes.

The bell rang about thirty minutes later, and I got up and shoved my stuff into my backpack.

"I know you did something to me," MJ said, upset.

"What in the fuck are you talking about?" I asked.

"You pushed me off my chair," she said, crossing her arms.

The room was empty at this point. Even the teacher had left.

"I was sitting down, dumbass. Go choke on a dick," I said, walking out. She gasped as I slammed the door shut. I used my telekinesis to lock her in.

I smirked to myself as I walked to my next class. Lunch. With Peter.

"Hey, you're (Y/n) right?" A pretty blonde girl asked me. She was carrying a brown paper bag. She seemed preppy. The girl was wearing a grey sweater and a black pleated skirt, with knee high grey socks and some black converse.

"Yeah. Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Gwen Stacy. Bella and Erica told me a lot about you, and you seem really cool," She said, holding out her hand. I shook it and smiled. Maybe school wasn't as bad as I remember.

𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫 [𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now