Battle of the Prehistoric Devils

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At Skull Island


The Devil King roared enraged, it lost to that Indominus Indoraptor, and now it was teleported to this forgotten, yet beautiful Island,

It was actually quite relaxing, there was a herd of large Buffalo wading in the water, and a village was continuing their daily lives, peacefully.

Though, the Devil King had to crush some spiders that tried to bite it, and had to swat off a swarm of weird Pterodactyl-like creatures that kept pecking it,

It stomped off to find some fo-


A Serpent creature leapt out from the ground and attack the Da-

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A Serpent creature leapt out from the ground and attack the Da-



The Skullcrawler was crushed by the jaws of Diabolus rex,

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The Skullcrawler was crushed by the jaws of Diabolus rex,

Skullcrawler count: 99

The Devil King was about to enjoy it's meal until,


Countless serpents came out of the ground,

DBX4 Short: Battle of the Prehistoric DevilsWhere stories live. Discover now