Chapter One

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Blazekit slept quietly, eyes tightly shut. Wishwillow, her mother, was talking in a low voice to Blazekit's... Father? No, that couldn't be right. Blazekit and her siblings had never had a father, at least that she knew of. But yet, here she was, with a strange, orange shape looming over her.
Blazekit listened harder. Soon she could pick out words, and so she quietly, as if sleeping, perked her ears straight up.
"...and make sure that you never speak of this, for if you do then you will be cast out of CreekClan and be forced to live as a loner," a low voice rumbled, coming from the orange cat.
"Yes... I won't, never, but oh, how I wish we could be together. I mean really together, not these fake secret meetings that we have..." said Wishwillow softly. "Oh, Ho—"

Blazekit woke up, frustrated. I was going to learn who my father was!
She opened her eyes and, as usual, was being woken up by Shellkit's daily plots. This time it was to climb the nursery wall. Whitekit, Blazekit's sister, was sitting off to one side, looking on with an air of disapproval.
Blazekit sighed and tried to hold on to her dream, but the details slipped through her head like sand in a storm. She remembered that... One, there was a fiery orange cat, and two, they had a deep voice.
Huh.... I don't know anyone like that. I'll have to wait until I'm an apprentice. Then she sat bolt upright. Wait, my apprentice ceremony is today! Oh wow... I can't wait!
The sound of Shellkit crashing into the floor jerked Blazekit out of her thoughts. "Ouch!" he wailed. "Mama! I fell!"
"That's what happens when you climb up the nursery wall!" Wishwillow scolded gently. "Now c'mon, I want to get you nice and clean for your apprentice ceremony." At her words, Shellkit bounced up, undeterred by his fall. "Oh yay! We can go out of camp, and play games, and go hunting and fighting! It's gonna be great!"
Whitekit and Blazekit rolled their eyes at each other. Shellkit was such a mouse-brain sometimes! But they loved him all the same.
Suddenly, the Clan leader's voice rang out across the camp. "Let all cats old enough to catch a fish gather beneath the Great Branch for a Clan meeting!"
Wishwillow gasped and flung herself furiously at Shellkit. She covered him with licks until his fur was sleek and dirt-free. Then she moved to Whitekit. Last, she looked at Blazekit and declared her 'passable'.
The four of them ran out into the clearing, where all the cats were waiting and watching Blizzardstar.
Oh no! Blazekit thought, panic slowly creeping in. What if she had to pass a test? Would she have to catch prey?
Calm down. It must be an easy thing, because Wishwillow seems super happy.
Blazekit jerked her head up as Blizzardstar spoke again.
"Great StarClan, we honor you. We are filled with pride as we name these apprentices. We hope that you will protect and honor them for all their lives.
"Now, Blazekit, will you step forward?"
Blazekit's legs shook as she wobbled up to the branch and her leader. Her heart raced, and as she padded up, her vision went blurry for a second. Then, she forced herself to stay straight, scolding herself for looking scared in front of the Clan. Blizzardstar looked on with an air of amusement.
"Blazekit, from now on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Blazepaw." He stopped and scanned the crowd. "Hawkleap, you are a brave and loyal warrior. You will mentor Blazepaw. Train her to the best of your abilities."
Blazepaw stepped toward the huge warrior nervously. She stretched up to touch noses and he gently tapped her nose with his.
"I will train you to be a great warrior," he murmured softly in Blazepaw's ears. "Don't be afraid."
The two of them stepped back as Blizzardstar called Whitekit forward. Everything went smoothly, but when Blizzardstar said "until you receive your warrior name," Whitekit interrupted.
"Please, Blizzardstar, I want to be a medicine cat."
Blazepaw gaped at Whitekit. Medicine cat? But training to hunt and fight would be so much more fun!
Why didn't she tell me?!
Blizzardstar just blinked and tilted his head. "Very well.
"Your mentor will be Sorrelsong."
A tiny groan slipped out of Blazepaw's jaw. They wouldn't train together! But Whitekit just nodded happily and touched noses with Sorrelsong. She whispered something in Sorrelsong's ears that Blazepaw couldn't catch.
Blazepaw turned back to Blizzardstar as he repeated the apprentice ceremony with Shellkit and Palekit, a kit from another mother.
As the Clan cheered "Blazepaw! Whitepaw! Shellpaw! Palepaw!" Blazepaw stood tall and proud.
I'd like to see RainClan attack me now! she thought defiantly.
Blazepaw looked at Whitepaw, Shellpaw, and Palepaw, and felt as if she were bursting with happiness.
She sighed with content, and for a moment, she forgot about her father.

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