quotes and excerpts

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Long time no post but I have a few lines from this first draft that I want share with you lovelies, so with out further ado.

Currently word count of first draft is 94,398 words

I will post the full first chapter when I hit 100,000 words

"Everything seemed impossible, but I guess it is doing impossible is what makes life exciting."

"She barely even attempted to dodge as the fruit hit her in the shoulder and stained her shirt. And she let out an amused, yet annoyed, laugh as she tossed and apple core at my head. 'Are you always going to come and be my knight and shining armor a d try to save me from every devastating break up?'

'I know you well enough that you defiance never need saving,' I claimed as I laid down in the soft grass. Blocking the sun by lifting up my arm and letting the light dance across my sticky fingers, 'but I will be there whenever you need a kick in the butt or a helping hand.'"

"That is when the hooded figure stepped out of the cover of the canopy, dropping from the trees. Sauntering into the clearing like they were on their way to share a meal with a lover. Black pants swishing with each step as leather straps dangling down from their belt snapped together and loosened with the speed of their strut."

"The moment that excruciating cry left her throat, something inside me snapped. There was no caution As I searched for the bit of flame in my gut.  I shoved that invisible hand in which I would carefully reach for that shred of power. Where I would carefully feel around my self, but at that moment I didn't care. And I took it by the balls."

" 'if I had a dollar for every time you backed out of a date, given be a rain check.'
'you could buy a Happy meal from your local mc Donald's.'"

"'My problem is that for the longest time; every time I would let myself catch the smallest amount of rest. I would have nightmares. I would relive every single terrible thing in my life over and over again. I had gotten used to it. It had become my main motivation, but recently,' her voice hitched as if she was still deciding if she was going going to continue telling me, ' my dreams have changed. They are better now.'

'isn't that a good thing?' I asked shifting closer to her. Counting each breath she took as she focused on those false stars above us.

'a sane person would think, but for me. The change from the blood and dismemberment and the pain to,' she hesitated again as if to come up with the right words, 'something better just makes me feel guilty. It is like my mind has found a new way of tormenting  me for all my mistakes by not just making me reliving my failures. But by showing me everything good I could have had if I hadn't fucked up so badly.'"

"'When you were dating her, did you ever notice how similar you two look, face wise?'

'I never said I wasn't vain.'"

"The groan she made was the first indication of her waking as she slowly brought her hand to her eye and rubbed the sleep out of them as a hacking noise came from the base of her throat. Right before her lips puckered as a large, golden spit shot out of her mouth. Rised two feet in the air before making a U-turn and landing right in her uncovered eye."

"That is when I noticed the hard scales that we're now coving my arms like armor. Though so if them we're damaged and ripped off in places where the creatures claws scratched. The scales glittered and glistened in the light of the twin sun's like a golden wild fire in contrast to my dark skin that was slowly beginning to replaces the small orange plates. Starting with the damaged once that had not been completely ripped off my body. The matte red spots mimicked the brilliant orange scales that covered my hands like gloves that were tipped with claws of my own making."

"It's pale eyes were glazed with starvation, as it's tongue escaped it's black stained lips along with a growl as it ran it across the length of it's fro t teeth. It's tail swished back and forth as it prepared to lunge at us."

memories stolen from the flameWhere stories live. Discover now