Chapter 9 "The deal"

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-Natsu's POV-

"So Natsu...How are you
Gonna ask Lucy to be yours~
But more specifically... Kiss
Her?" He said.

"Look! I'll figure it out!
I promise! Ugh! My luck
Losing the bet..."

=Flashback on the Bet=

"Hey Popsicle!"


"I bet you can't ask or
Kiss Juvia!"

"Well what about you and

"You wanna have a bet?!"

"Hell yea!!!"

"If either of us loses we have to
Find a way to make them ours
Next! Okay!"



=Flashback End=

"When there's a special
Event I'll do it okay?"

"Alright then!"

We walk right back in the guild.
A certain Blondie was headed
Towards me.

She asked me if I could come with her to some festival.

I asked what were the activities,
Going on during the festival.

When she said there were
Lights, sunset and fireworks!

I got an idea on how to make
Her mine.

I answered yes. And she left to get

I told Gray that my plan was this.

When the sun sets I'll hold her

And when the tree starts to magically
Sparkle I'll hold her tight ( its like a hug... Ugh! You know what I mean!?)

And at the last event I'll face her
Face towards mine and kiss her

He said it was a good idea.
He also said that he'll help me
Find a kimono to wear.

"Man you better not mess up.."
Gray said cautiously.

"I won't mess up my first
Kiss Gray!"

"Well technically its you
Second kiss, since your first
Kiss was with Happy"
He chuckled.

"SHUT UP!!!"

NaLu-Your Love Returns [ Complete ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon