The Begining

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It was a small team of six men that escorted me to my room. I didn't try anything because I knew each one of them could overpower me. They are bigger than the normal troopers and didn't even talk, they communicated trough a series of grunts and growls. That actually scared me, but I didn't let it show. If I wanted to be feared, I had to look strong, so I kept walking with a slight smugness to my step.

It didn't take us long to reach my room, they basically shoved me inside and locked the door behind me. I wasn't complaining, the room was nice. It had a large sized bed and a computer on a desk near the door, there was also a large dresser near a second door on the far wall. I decided to check out the second door, it lead to a room about half the size of the current room... this was my bathroom, there where fresh towels and everything. It seemed to good to be true, but it was.

I finally took off my helmet and just tossed it onto my bed "Man, it's good to be out of that" I waited actually expecting an answer, I never got one so I just went to the bathroom with a pair of cloths and a fresh towel.


Nearly an hour later I walked out of the bathroom in a cloud of steam. I looked at my bed and saw the DC-15A sitting on my bed. Along with a small side arm and a hilt, I'm not sure what the hilt was to, I didn't even want to test it. And I didn't. I tossed my towel to the side and placed my armor on the ground next to my bed. I continued to stair at the weapons on my bed and I decide to move them to the side only focusing on the hilt. It was lighter when than I would be. There was a small opening at one end and it was oddly simplistic, it was almost completely smooth other than a small button nearly 3/4 of the way up.

I pressed the button and the blade ignited as a radiant green color. I nearly took off my own hand with the blade so I just stopped moving all together. I waited for nearly five minutes before I started moving again, and it only took a few more to get ahold of it. It was just like most swords I've used, except I could kill myself by accidentally igniting the blade into my skull. I simply put the saber down with the rest of the weapons and looked around, nothing was touched... except for the fact that there was a camera in the corner of my room now. It didn't make me feel comfortable, I thought someone was watching me.

I pushed that thought out of my head and move to the computer, it was already set up but I decided not to question it. I clicked on a few things and pulled up several data bases. "Thankfully she doesn't know I'm a hacker" again expecting an answer... which is why I jumped when I got a reply. "Hiding things from a Commanding Officer can get you tossed into the brig for life" I snapped my attention to the doorway where "she" stood. General Milana.

We locked eyes for several seconds before I looked away. She was still looking at me, I could feel it. "I'm sorry General, I should have told you" she continued looking at me without saying a word. "How did you manage to hack a military data base?" It was a simple question I didn't feel the need to answer, but if I didn't she would find out from someone else.

"It's not as hard as most people claim it to be. All you need is a data base of any kind and I can get you trough. It's only a bunch of equations you have to program in" I kept my tone calm with a slight snap. She didn't seem to notice tho, and I'm glad she didn't. After all, snapping at a C.O. could get me into major trouble, trouble I couldn't afford she looked at me and dismissed the hacking. "I hope you like your new room. It's the best we could do for you, and we decided to let you keep the DC-15A, you did good on the field" she didn't even wait for a response before simply walking off, leaving the room to myself, again.


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