The Initial Meeting

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Adam sat in his normal desk, mentally preparing himself for his near-daily biology class. He had taken this class, as a small compromise between him and his parents. His parents wanted him to become a professor, while Adam wanted to be a pilot working for the Galaxy Garrison, and since Adam didn't want to disappoint his parents, he decided to become something that managed to include what he was interested in doing, and something his parents wanted him to do. So, he decided to aim and become a professor in the Galaxy Garrison. Initially, his parents still weren't the most supportive, but they eventually gave in, seeing that their son was still going to become successful, and if not, earn more while working as a professor for the organization.

Adam tapped his pen against the desk as he looked around the class. He had entered relatively early, most of the people who were in the class were having a small conversation, or, as the awkward couple in the back always did, were flirting. Adam let out a small sigh, before looking forward again as the rest of the kids piled in, including Takashi Shirogane, or as people called him around the school, Shiro. Adam knew bits and pieces about Shiro, after all, they were at the start of January, Adam had kind of figured everyone out by then, and from his observations, Shiro was a jock, and popular among the ladies and some of the men, including the small group of kids who didn't really talk to anyone but themselves.

Shiro was part of the football and volleyball team, emphasis on was. Randomly, as kids explained it around the school, Shiro's effort put behind the sports slowly began to suffer. Not even halfway through the year, Shiro stopped playing sports and doing gym for a while, it was only recently that he began participating in gym class again. Bottom line, Adam thought of Shiro under a good light, he had nothing against the guy, although, Adam was under the impression that Shiro was kind of full of himself. 

Adam pulled his train of thought back into reality, just as Shiro sat down behind Adam, and the Teacher had entered.

The teacher clapped her hands to gain everyone's attention, "Alright, alright, you can talk later, but now, I have somewhat of an important announcement to make. For the rest of the year, since this clearly hasn't been working out, I'll be choosing your partner," she paused to let the class let out a groan and a small murmur, "...and, the partner that I will choose for you today, will also become the partner you will have, for the rest of the year," More students groaned, and the teacher sighed, "And please, you don't need to express your feelings about your partner including ones of hate, or joy... Of course, if there is a real issue, please find a separate time to talk to me, and I'll try and sort things out differently, now, let us get on with this, shall we?"

Adam tuned her out as she began calling out names, although paying attention so he knew when his name got said. When she called out the names, there were, of course,jz7 some groans, some small bursts of laughter and murmur of agreement. Adam perked up when he heard his name, looking up at the front. There was a small silence before some quiet whining of some of the bratty girls.

Adam was paired up with Shiro.

Adam looked around trying to find Shiro, before spotting him in the desk behind him. Shiro gave Adam a small smile, while Adam returned with a simple nod.

The rest of the partners got called out, and once when the teacher finished with her list, she looked up smiling, "Alright, now, if you want, you can move over to your partner's desk, and I ask of you to open up google classroom and take a look at the latest post, you'll find what you need to do, your criteria, and the due date. Feel free to ask if you have any questions," and with that, the teacher finished, sitting down at her desk.

Adam turned around so he could face Shiro, taking his laptop out and setting it on his desk.

Shiro sat there, before pulling his out, "So, uh... partners, huh?"

Adam nodded, "Yep, partners indeed. I've created a slide and google document, and I have shared them with you. If you want to meet up at some point after school, my phone number and address are on the document."

Shiro raised an eyebrow, "Wow, you've already thought of everything, haven't you?"

Adam looked up at Shiro, before looking off to the side, "I suppose so? I just do... What I normally do for partners, I suppose. I've already got a simple idea for our project. What do you want to do it on? The assignment says for us to chose one of the things we've learned, or are learning about, and do a project on that."

Shiro pondered for a moment, "Well, how about cell structure? That was one of the things we're talking about in science, aren't we? Or, perhaps we could do something in regards to space since we're going to be talking about that soon, we can get a headstart on it."

Adam shrugged, "Those sound fine, chose whatever one you want to do."

Shiro raised an eyebrow, "You really aren't the most social, are you?

Adam huffed, looking back up at Shiro from his laptop, "It's because I know what you're trying to get at. You're choosing a subject that can be rather difficult to comprehend, and you want me to do most, if not all of it."

Shiro's eyes widened, "Wow... you... really don't seem to trust me, huh?" He shifted in his chair, "...No, I don't want you to do most or all of the work, I'm fine with doing my share, and, I'd like to think I know my stuff... But, if you don't want to talk, I won't make you."

Adam gave it a moment of thought, before sighing softly, "...Alright. Well, let's do space. In specific, maybe the different types of suns. We can also do the different galaxies and nebulas we know about"

Now, it was Shiro's turn to think, "Alright, well, let's do it about the different galaxies."

The two teens began finding information on their subject, keys on their laptops clicking, and small one sentence conversation, regarding the galaxies, or the slides. The period went on, and on until the bell finally rang. Students rushed, shoving their laptops into their bags, hurrying out the class for lunch, although some took their time, including Adam and Shiro. Adam didn't once glance at Shiro as he got up, and began heading out of the class.

Shiro let out a sigh when Adam left the room, mumbling to himself silently, "These last few months are going to be long..." and with his remark, he walked out the door, and to his locker.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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