Tag #1 Basic Facts About Me.

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I was tagged so I'll answer some questions about myself if you're interested😝 thanks to BangtanBoyz4Life and TGGUKIE for tagging me😘 (bishes😒👊😂❤)

1) Do you care about what other's think of you?

It depends on the person. If I care about the person, yeah, I'd want them to like me. And I always try to take in people's advice if they genuinely want my best.

BUT some people wanna say things just to push you down and be mean. So
if it's some bitch who's as toxic and irrelevant as his/her opinion, then I'm not gonna waste my time caring too much

Exist's that way 👉🚪

2. Middle name
Don't have one

3. Favourite sport

Ehh I can't choose. I love swimming a lot 🌊🌊🐬🐙🐡🐠🐟🐳🐋🌊🌊

I love to dance💃

I used to play basketball even though I'm basically an overgrown baby 🏀

Football's fun ⚽

Badminton 🏸

Volleyball 🏐

Yeah idk I play just dance on wii u lol

4. Best friend
Sammie 💙

And all the taekook shippers out there

5. Someone you wouldn't live without

My family 👩👨👧👦👦👧👧👦👦 (lmao what are these emojis they look like corndogs with faces)

My friends
(only the real ones. Fake friends B E G O N E
Don't mind me just throwin some shade👀)

My 'Squad' lmao BADDEST FEMALES AYY YOU ALREADY KNOW WHO YOU ARE 😎🔥(now watch me whip, now watch me nae nae🎵🎶)

My angels😇😍 (you guys. What's a writer without her readers?) 💜

6. Favourite name/nickname
Mai (issa nickname, didn't expect that did u 😉😂)

Baby (I got used to it okay DON'T JUDGE ME)

Princess 😇👑👸 better treat me like one💅 (this is lowkey why I made it Tae's nickname from Jungkook lmao😂)

Bunny 🐇🐰 and mai mai (my bestie sometimes calls me by these so it must be included)

Miso (my parents call me this. It reminds me of miso soup lol😂)

7. Cute or sexy
I get called cute a lot (๑→‿←๑)

But I also have a sexy side I just don't show it to everyone hehe😳

8. Have you ever been asked out?

Yeah, I guess? Idk I'm clueless about these stuff

9. What are your preffered pronouns?

10. Do you believe in true love/soulmates?
Have you read the title of my story? 😂

No but seriously I want to believe soulmates are real. I really do hope there's someone for us all out there, our other half❤

But I also think it's not as easy as in movies, books, and series. That's what I've been trynna show in My Bloodsucking Soulmate. I think some fate is handed to us and some we can change. Make your own fate from what you have. Falling in love is easier than staying in love, so you gotta be strong and actually fight for the people you want to keep in your life. Trust and communication is key 🔑

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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