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A/N Hey guys, I started this story for myself as it is my dream to go back to Bondi, but I'd like to share it with you as i am very excited to write this story. I have so many ideas for it and I can't wait to share it with you. I also wanna give you an insight to my profession as well. I hope you love reading it!! 

Kaia's P.O.V 

I groaned as my alarm sounded. It was 3:15 am or as i like to call it, the ass crack of dawn. I hauled myself out of bed and situated myself in front of the mirror as i began to apply my make up and tame my hair. 

I wasn't a big fan of mornings but i did love being able to see the sunrise from the plane watching as the world wakes up and thinking about how the other half of the world is just settling in for the night.  

My job was incredible, I flew to amazing places everyday and always met someone new. The only downside was that we never get off the plane, so I never get to see much more than the airport of a beautiful foreign country, I long to one day explore. 

However the one country that was at the top of my list was; Australia a place I could barely remember from a distant memory of a family holiday there 13 years ago. 

Once i was fully dressed and ready to go, I checked the clock it was now 3:45 am still way to early for any normal human to function, but for me it was the best time of day. It meant that there would be no traffic on my morning commute and it gave me more time to think about Australia and all the reasons I longed to return.

 Before I knew it I was at work and already headed to crew security, bumping into some friends along the way. I had told a few people of my desire to go to Australia and they had all told me to go for it, you only live once! 

An hour or so later I was sat in my crew seat, feeling the hum of the plane as it sped down the runway and took off into the air, I watched out the window as the buildings got smaller the further into the clouds we went. Welcome to my office!! 

My mind had wandered to other things and I was having an internal debate over whether or not I should just be spontaneous and book this holiday whilst i could. My colleague spoke asking me what I was thinking about, jolting me from my thoughts and bringing me back to the real world. 

The flight went by much quicker than any of us had expected and before we knew it we were already cleaning the plane for the return flight, chatting amongst ourselves about the rather dull events of the last few hours, we always had a laugh at work considering you flew with different people on every shift. The smile on my face hadn't budged all day, I loved my job and all of the crew working out of my base were like one big family. 

But something still niggled at me, I felt like I couldn't be truly happy until I had finally gone to Australia. The main reason behind my desire to go was a certain lifeguard, whom I had seen on Bondi Rescue more than once and I wasn't going to lie he was absolutely gorgeous. 

I know its a little fair fetched to want to travel all that way just to meet someone. But what the heck, I'm young, free and single. Now all I need is someone to come with me and everything would be sweet. 

Will i ever make it back to Bondi? I guess if its meant to be it will be. I just didnt realise it would happen much sooner than i ever imagined.....

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