The Ride

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    "I'm planning on visiting the Louvre after school," you remarked, throwing your school books into your backpack, taking extra care not to damage your sketchbook and pens. "I haven't sketched it in a while."
    "Have fun, (Y/N). We can do a sketch trade again if you want," Nathaniel mumbles, trying to fit his notebooks into his bag.
    You sling your backpack onto one shoulder, "Sure, that sounds great. Are you going to draw Ladybug on it?" you ask, heading towards the door.
    "We'll see. I never know until I have the paper in front of me," Nathaniel smiles, rushing to the door and opening it for you. "I've got to head to my art class. See you."
    "Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow," you added, turning down the hallway as Nathaniel went the opposite way. He waves, and you run down the stairs, hoping to reach the metro before rush hour. It was always cramped, but it was always better before the after work rush.
    As you head down the hallway, you wave goodbye to all of your friends, but stop by Juleka and Rose. "Juleka! Rose!" you call, speeding up as you neared the girls.
    "Hey, (Y/N)!" Rose answers, waving to you, and Juleka nods, smiling. "Need something?"
    "I'm just heading to the metro. I'm going to sketch the Louvre. Want to join me?" you ask, pushing some hair behind your ear.
    "Sorry, (Y/N). Rose's parents want her home soon and I'm helping her with a music project," Juleka answers, letting her purple-black hair fall over her face. Rose nods, smiling in a sympathetic way.
    "That's fine. See you girls later!" you respond, waving goodbye to the girls, Ivan, Alya, and Marinette as you head out. "Bye girl!" you hear Alya call as you rush out the door.

    Finally, after what seemed like an extremely long walk, you bought your ticket and jumped on the metro before it took off through the underground of Paris. As you step in, you are shocked to only see one person in your car.
    You quickly took your seat in the back, hoping not to be in an awkward situation, as he was sitting many rows ahead of you in the front. As you sit, you see a guitar case poking out of the seat, and you see the boy's reflection in the window.  He looked about your age. His short blue-black hair shined in the sun flashing through the window, occasionally showing his small black earrings. His soft blue eyes barely show in the reflection, but you were able to pick them up. You could see that he was wearing a hazy gray hoodie over a white shirt.
    Suddenly, you had the inspiration to draw this kid.
    You hurriedly pulled out your sketchbook, letting the creative juices flow through you as your pencil danced about the page. You drew the boy playing the guitar, imagining the notes coming straight off of the paper. You were so lost in thought that you didn't see someone standing over you.
    You gasp, accidentally throwing the sketchbook in the poor boy's face. "Oh, no! I'm so so so sorry!" you say, your voice getting slightly higher in pitch as you became nervous.
    The boy only laughed as he held your sketchbook. Open. Open to the page with his picture.
    "Can I have that back please...," you murmur, scratching the back of your head nervously. This wasn't what I expected to happen when I jumped on this train.
    "Want me to play?" the boy asks, raising his eyebrows as he looked over the book.
    "What?" you ask, slowly reaching for your book. Ugh, this is embarrassing!
    The boy turns away, holding the book higher, as if inspecting the drawing. You could imagine the grin on his face as he looks at your sketch. "The guitar. Want me to play? Oh, and if you wanted to title the art, my name's Luka." Luka says, turning back towards you, smiling as he handed you your sketchbook.
    Your anger and embarrassment ebbed away, and you couldn't help but smile back as you gave your answer. "Yes."

I really like the concept of this story! I hope you guys like it! :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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