Lessons to Learn 2

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Now that she had reached the part of her trial where she had been the most happiest, her mother felt the shift in her body.  Her shoulders loosened from the tight squeeze she had placed on them, her head relaxed against her and looking down, she also noticed the way her eyes had softened.  If she didn't know any better, this daughter of hers had fallen for her Disciple brother, and this was only made more obvious by what followed.

"When I awoke from my sickness, I was initially confused.  Not only was I in a strange chamber but the the maid was different, one I'd never seen before.  Even her actions were different, she was smacking her head against the floor so hard, I thought it might break." she said grimacing at the memory.

"But when I found out the chamber belonged to my husband, I was so angry, though I had to hold it in so as not to frighten the maid.  She was such a skittish thing.  In fact, from her alone I got a very good glimpse into how the Palace was run, and I didn't want any part of it, so I decided to go back to my own chamber, only I ran into Ye Hua on the way out." she said as her voice suddenly dropped.  

For a moment she didn't say any more, so her mother continued to sit quietly.  She too was well aware of what Palace life was like having tasted it briefly in a Mortal trial of her own many years ago, so she understood the reticence to continue.  But she continued to stroke her hair to coax it out of her.

"I fought him at every turn, though why he didn't just take what he wanted I don't really know." she said without a hint of embarrassment which her mother honed in on sharply.

"Our battles were at times horrendous, we both ended up hurt.  Some days him more than I, and other days I would be left so sore, that I couldn't even rise.  But I was so angry with him that I thought, if he wanted me, then he would have to fight for it." she said looking up at her mother frowning who had immediately seen the lesson whereas her daughter was still trying to figure it out.

Instead she continued slowly as her mind slowly began to process the information.

"After a while, the battles grew less as I slowly got to know him and he got to know me.  I learned he could paint, which is kind of funny, because in this life he is a very good artist." she said smiling softly to herself as their time in poppy fields came back to her.

"He would read passages from ancient texts that could not be found anywhere else, though much of it was boring philosophy which I didn't care about, but I did love the sound of his voice.  It was very gentle but his enthusiasm for the content was kind of infectious that after a while I began to pay attention to that too.

"And then there were little things.  The small touches, the gentle smiles, the soft looks and even the little gifts he would bring back." she said as the memory of a poppy hair pin came back to her.

"But I think I began to start liking him in the silence.  We would both read quietly to ourselves, and on many occasions I would sit with my book in my lap and just watch him read.   And it was in those moments that I saw the long hours spent caring for his father and dealing with his inner court just fall away as if being in my presence gave him peace.  I noticed the way he would fill my tea cup with a small wistful smile, the way his eyes would sparkle when I entered the room, and even noticed the way his head would slightly tip to the side whenever I spoke to him as if what I had to say was the most important thing in he world." she said whispering softly as if to herself.

And it was here, that her mother realized she actually was.  She had gone into herself so deeply that for a moment she forgot that she was talking to her mother.

"The morning I saw the raw desire in his eyes as he watched me dress, I spent the entire day preparing myself to consummate our marriage.  I know he desired me, the way his eyes followed my every movement said he did, but not once did he try to force himself on me.  He was waiting for me to give him permission." she said frowning."  And as her eyes slowly closed, the lesson suddenly began to present itself.

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