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"Am sorry-i-i have pictures and videos of him" he straightens and stares down at her,she could feel the anger radiating from him. Ariston Spiradakou is not a man to be cross path with, especially when he is angry. She watches as he slowly put his hands into his pocket and walks to the window

"What do you think? that a few pictures and videos will replace the time I have lost with him? and to think that if he wasn't sick I wouldn't have found out about him!"

"Look am sorry, but my first concern is my son. You can do what ever you want to do when he is okay" she didn't know where her courage came from but she hold on to it until he turned and gave her a icy stare

"What did you say is wrong with him?"

"he has a hole in the heart and needs surgery, I didn't know about it until a week ago, the doctor says that he needs an operation but the hospital doesn't have the required equipment and the private hospital fee is much and my insurance doesn't covers it"

"and if your insurance had covered it,would you have told me?"

"no" he turns to stare at her, making her uncomfortable. He went to his desk and carried his phone and placed on his ear after pressing some digits

"tell the pilot to warm the jet and get me the beat pediatrician that can recommend a cardiologist for me" he place the phone on the table and press the intercom

"Grace, get in here, now!" and she walks in almost immediately

"clear my schedules for the next two weeks and any important calls should be directed to my phone and ask the car should be brought to the front" Lizzy watches as the secretary's eyes widen in shock but she quickly compose her self

"yea sir" she said as he turn and quickly walks out

"let's go" he said as he walks towards the door

"to where?" she asked

"want to sew my son and I can't do that here, can I?" he asked with voice laced with sarcasm

"no…but don't you…" her voice trails off

"don't I what?" he asked impatiently

"want to call your wife before we---"

"we got divorce, ten month after we got married" he interrupted



He opens the door, waiting for her to pass before following suit. she noticed the secretary was staring at them with open curiosity while they wait for his private elevator. He usher her in and was quiet through out the small ride down. She could actually feel the tension growing and she almost kiss the floor when they finally step out of the elevator. The driver was waiting for them with the car door opened which he closed when they entered and few seconds later, the car started moving

THE GREEK LOVE-CHILD(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now