Chapter 1

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Song of the chapter~ my boy by Billie eilish



   Fuck, I have to get up for another boring day.  My alarm kept on going on and on. I finally sat up and ngmq if I had any messages. I only had messages from my best friend Candice and my boyfriend I

HUBBY 💍 : Hey Baby❤️, I can't pick you up this morning. I have practice, I love you ❤️
ME: okay❤️ I love you too 😘

I got up and  got dressed. I wore the regular, sweats and black converses. After I check myself in the mirror, I checked my message from Candice.

CANDICE❤️😋: Sorry babes , I have an unplanned meeting today with the cheer coach😭

I guess I'm walking to school. I went downstairs and walked to kitchen and grabbed an apple. "Hey kid, have at school okay" My dad said. " I will dad, I love you" I ran out the door and started walking to school. I looked over to my neighbors Trey Knight, the bad boy whose dating Candice, I do not like him at all.

He's always either behind school smoking or making out with Candice. It's irritating, but i have to be happy for my best friend. Wait I thought they had early practice, "Hey Knight, I thought you had practice this morning" He looked at me and looked confused " No we don't" That's soo fucking weird, I just shrugged it off.

I've arrived to school early. I saw Candice and Henry cars parked next to each other. I had to use the restroom. I was walking towards the restroom until I heard Henry voice behind a classroom door. " Babe come on, let's have some fun before anyone gets here" who the fuck is he talking too?, " No I don't want to lose my friendship with Kenna" I recognized that voice, it was Candice's voice. "You wasn't saying that last night" I walked away with tears in my eyes

I had succeeded to ignore the both of them for half of the day till lunch time. I walked into to lunch and walked to the line. I felt hands on my hip and kisses on my neck " Hey baby, let's forget about lunch and go have some fun" I felt so annoyed of his voice now. "Let's not, I'm not in the mood" I tried not to let him feel the annoyance in my voice, but I failed miserably. "Baby what's wrong?" I shook my head and laid for my lunch and walked off.

I sat down at a table away from each other. I heard a huge thump and saw it was Candice. "Are you avoiding me girl?" I looked at her and sighed. "No I just was studying." I hope she bought it. She got a text on her phone and smiled at it. I looked at her and than I looked at Henry smiling and looking over here with his phone in his hand. "Umm continue with that, I have to go meet up with a Kamani" She got up soo fast and walked out of the lunch. I looked around for Kamani and she was sitting with her group of friends.

I knew she was going to see Henry. I started tearing up , I looked down and blinked the tears away.

It was the end of the day and I was on my way out of school to go work at my dad's diner. "BABE❗️ MCKENNA❗️" I thought I was free. I turned around to find Henry in front of me. " yes, babe?" The word babe came out in a growl. " are you avoiding me or something?" I'm so getting revenge for this shit. "No babe, why would you think that?" I have to act soo innocent. "You haven't talked to me all day and every time you see me, you walk another way" I rolled my eyes " ohh I have a surprise for you and I don't want to ruin it" His eyes lightened up " ohh need a ride to the diner?" It will be sooo awkward " umm nooo I'm not going today" please fall for that, "okay I'll call you later than"

He tried to lean in for a kiss on my lips, I turned my head the other way so it touches my cheek instead. I turned around and walked out of the school.

I arrived to the diner and said hey to Grant. I walked to the back and grabbed my apron and put my hair in a bun. My dad walked over to me " Hey kiddo, how was school?" " idk a regular day" I heard a ding , " well dad I'll go grab that" I walked over to the table and looked up. Oh crap, I saw Candice and Trey. " hey guys, what do you want?" I put on the fakest smile ever. " Hey Kenna, the regular please" I couldn't even look at Candice. " well Allistar, I have some fries." I nod and went to put it in. I couldn't breath so I went to the restroom.

I saw Trey in there, " why are you in the girls bathroom?" He had a cigarette in his hand and he blowed out " you know Henry and Candice is sleeping with each other don't you?" I looked at him shocked " How long did you know?" He stood up straight and said " just now, by the way you look at her and how you ignored Henry all day and Candice have a huge ass hickey on her neck" I was still processing everything , I didn't even notice how close he was. " You know Mckenna, we should get them back by ruining their high school reputation since it matter so much to them" I wanted revenge but I don't want to ruin them that much.

"I don't know Trey, I'm still figuring things out" he threw the cigarette on the floor and walked on front of me and looked into my eyes. " well let me know what you think" he kissed me on the cheek and left.

I walked in front of the mirror and make sure I don't look flustered. I pushed a strand of hair back and exhale the deep breath I was holding in. " Hey Kiddo take the trash out‼️" my dad screamed from the kitchen. " Okay dad‼️" I grabbed the trash and walked out to the back. I saw Henry kissing Candice neck and her moaning against the wall. I walked to the trash can and threw the trash can in.

They jumped and looked shocked. I looked at them with a dead face and walked back in.

Later of the day it was the end of my shift, I walked into the kitchen to let dad know I'm done. " here take the car" he threw the keys towards me . " but dad, how would you get home?" " I'm ordering a lift, I'm too tired to drive, I love you kid" " I love you too dad".

I walked outside towards the car. I almost got into the car till I heard my name being shouted. I looked towards who was calling me and it was Henry. "GO AWAY HENRY‼️" I jumped into the car and drove off.

I arrived home and threw the keys in the counter. I walked upstairs and saw Trey in his room next door. " Hey Knight, I'll do it" He smirked at me.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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