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Chapter 1 | starting anew


March 6th, 2009.

Time never waits.

It delivers all equally to the same end.

You both, who wish to safeguard the future, however limited it may be...

You will be given one year.

Go forth, without falter,

With your hearts as your guides...


A young boy, possibly a teenager, with blue hair and stone-grey eyes walked around town, earphones in, ignoring the chatter of the crowds.

"Ah-Hey, wait up!" A girl with auburn hair kept in a ponytail and ruby red eyes rushes up to him, presumably out of breath.

"...what took you so long?" The boy deadpanned.

"You walk way too fast." She copied the deadpan.

"I don't walk fast." He returned his gaze to where he was walking.

"Uh, yeah, you do." She countered, rolling her eyes slightly.



A young woman with hazel hair and brown eyes sits up against a sink with the water running in a bathroom.

She was wearing a pink sweater-jacket, a loose red ribbon, black knee-high stockings, with white lines on the outer sides, and a heart-shaped white choker.

She takes a few heaving breaths, then lifts a gun, aiming the barrel to her forehead.

She starts to squeeze the trigger, but she hesitates, and drops the gun, the weapon colliding with the floor with a clank.


The two teens approach the subway station, then get onto the train, sitting down next to eachother.

The girl rests her head against the window, closing her eyes. "Okay, wake me up when the ride's finished."

The boy just stares out the window, watching the scenery pass by.

Before he knows it, a blue butterfly swamps his eyesight, and before he can even react, it's gone.

His eyes shift toward the girl, who looked like she'd seen a ghost.

Then, his eyes return to the window.

The blue butterfly appeared again.

He would've said something, but the train had stopped.

He looks over at the brunette beside him, then he lightly shook her shoulder.

"Wake up."

"I'm awake." She opened her eyes, swatting his hand away, standing up and getting out of her seat.

The clock ticked, and when it struck midnight, everything seemed to warp.

As they exited the train station, they were surrounded by coffins, and the night sky was a shade of green.

"Well, then. That's...not disturbing at all." The brunette would probably be sweatdropping if this was an anime.

The blue-haired boy didn't seem fazed by this.

Eventually, they reach the building they are looking for.

They spotted a young girl with strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

six feet under // persona 3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat