shalom bibbeh

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one day 📆 i was walking 🚶‍♀️ down the park near my home 🏠 and bare in mind i was only 12,, only 12. and i go, "ahhhhhh" as a tall blonde boy comes out.

he goes, "how old are you?" 🤔 and he answers for me🤭, "12. you're 12 i can sense it" he gasped 🤭 come with me. i was very scared at this point 😦

we walk into a caravan park 🚍 and he goes wait here. so i go okay. time 🕰 goes by and this boy walks in. i hadn't seen him before.

"my friends call me gary but new foreskin club call me gazza" 🤪🤧🤠

i was confused 🤷🏼‍♀️ at this point in life. i'm only 12. only 12 remember. 1️⃣2️⃣. it's very important you remember i am 1️⃣122️⃣ years old.

so 'gazza'🧓🏽<< looks like that.

tells me that the foreskin crew will come.

"in what way?" i winked at gazza. "oh you right there🤠are a feisty one😏😋😛😅' i licked my crusty lips infront of him.

"YOU THERE" a tall willy man pointed at me🤠 "WE NEED YOUR CRUSTY LIP PARTS IN MY TUB RIGHT NOW"

"that is blake. he likes crusty lips" a small blonde boy told me

"okay" i said peeling the crusts off my lips 👄😵

"no no no" the boy who scared me earlier he smirked at me😏😏😋😋

"we need those lips" the loud brown haired boy point at my vaj vaj foof foof. i gasped so loud🤭

he told me that i won't be gasping until he shoves my crusty lips parts into my crusty lips.

they all started singing


so i did so😵🤪🤩🤭🤭🤠😶😲🤔😛

to be continued xoxoxoxooxox

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