Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Season 21)

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Mechazord Configurations

Gosei Great Megazord: Gosei Dragon Mechazord, Gosei Phoenix Mechazord, Gosei Snake Mechazord, Gosei Tiger Mechazord, Gosei Shark Mechazord, and Gosei Orca Mechazord

Sea Gosei Great Megazord: Gosei Dragon Mechazord, Gosei Phoenix Mechazord, Gosei Snake Mechazord, Gosei Tiger Mechazord, Gosei Shark Mechazord, Gosei Orca Mechazord, Manta Zord, Hammerhead Zord, and Sawshark Zord

Land Gosei Great Megazord: Gosei Dragon Mechazord, Gosei Phoenix Mechazord, Gosei Snake Mechazord, Gosei Tiger Mechazord, Gosei Shark Mechazord, Gosei Orca Mechazord, Beetle Zord, Dino Zord, and Rhino Zord

Sky Gosei Great Megazord: Gosei Dragon Mechazord, Gosei Phoenix Mechazord, Gosei Snake Mechazord, Gosei Tiger Mechazord, Gosei Shark Mechazord, Gosei Orca Mechazord, Hawk Zord, Ptera Zord, and Crow Zord

Gosei Jet Megazord: Gosei Dragon Mechazord, Gosei Phoenix Mechazord, Gosei Snake Mechazord, Gosei Tiger Mechazord, Gosei Shark Mechazord, Gosei Orca Mechazord, Gosei Bird Zord, Rhino Beetle Zord, Crocodile Zord, Elephant Zord, Dolphin Zord, and Cheetah Zord

Gosei Grand Megazord: Lion Mechazord, Sealion Mechazord, and Skylion Mechazord

Gosei Great Grand Megazord: Gosei Dragon Mechazord, Gosei Phoenix Mechazord, Gosei Snake Mechazord, Gosei Tiger Mechazord, Gosei Shark Mechazord, Gosei Orca Mechazord, Lion Mechazord, Sealion Mechazord, and Skylion Mechazord

Ultra Gosei Great Megazord: Gosei Dragon Mechazord, Gosei Phoenix Mechazord, Gosei Snake Mechazord, Gosei Tiger Mechazord, Gosei Shark Mechazord, Gosei Orca Mechazord, Manta Zord, Hammerhead Zord, Sawshark Zord, Gosei Orca Mechazord, Beetle Zord, Dino Zord, Rhino Zord, Hawk Zord, Ptera Zord, Crow Zord, and Ultra Change Zord

Gosei Ultimate Megazord: Gosei Ultmate Command Ship, Ultra Dragon Zord, Ultra Phoenix Zord, Ultra Snake Zord, Ultra Tiger Zord, Ultra Shark Zord, and Ultra Orca Zord

Super Megaforce/Legendary Zord Configurations

Note: The names of the six main Zords, as well as Super Megaforce Silver's Zord/Megazord are going to be different compared to the actual names in Super Megaforce. The reason why I'm changing the names of the main Zords is because I think there was too much "Super Mega" in the names, and I simply changed the name of Super Megaforce Silver's Zord/Megazord to avoid confusing it with the Quantum Ranger's Zord/Megazord from Time Force of a similar name.

Legendary Megazord: Red Skyship Zord, Blue Jet Zord, Yellow Wheeler Zord, Green Racer Zord, Pink Sub Zord, and Crimson Tank Zord

Legendary S.P.D. Megazord: Red Skyship Zord, Blue Jet Zord, Yellow Wheeler Zord, Green Racer Zord, Pink Sub Zord, and Delta Runner Zord (When the Legendary S.P.D. Megazord is formed, the Super Megaforce Rangers morph into the S.P.D. Rangers.)

Legendary Mystic Megazord: Red Skyship Zord, Blue Jet Zord, Yellow Wheeler Zord, Green Racer Zord, Pink Sub Zord, Crimson Tank Zord, and Legendary Mystic Dragon (Unlike in the show, where the Legendary Mystic Dragon is just inside of the Legendary Megazord's torso, the wings of the Legendary Mystic Dragon attach to the back of the Legendary Megazord, and the Legendary Megazord's helmet is replaced with a helmet [formed by Legendary Mystic Dragon's head] that looks similar to the one worn by the Titan Megazord, and gains the sword that was used by the Titan Megazord, the Titan Saber, replacing the Legendary Megazord's cutlass swords. In addition, the feet of the Legendary Mystic Dragon would attach to the Legendary Megazord's shoulders, and the arms would attach to the Legendary Megazord's arms, unfolding and wrapping around said arms [but not the hands]. Also, the Super Megaforce Rangers will morph into the Mystic Force Rangers.)

Zord System in the Power Rangers Sagas of DB:CP [DEAD]Where stories live. Discover now