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Removing my oxygen mask I walked inside the colossal building designed in the shape of a dolphin with my grandson. Today is his 7th birthday and to celebrate it we had come to the aquarium.

The structure is the only place that harbour marine life, some plants and fishes which are left. Away from the depths of ocean these creatures now survive in huge prison-like incubators, staring at us blankly.

Oceans have died and forest destroyed, with deserts and empty fields the only available landscape. Everything looks dull and bleak coloured in the shades of black. Once soothing sunshine is now unbearable, making any movement only possible after dusk.

Even seasons are extreme. Except brutal summers and cruel winters no other seasons occur.

How did this happen? The question is invalid. We all knew that this was going to happen. We knew that instead of living on an alluring planet we would be surviving on a ball of gases.

We knew this from the very moment we threw the trash in the sea or when we littered the gardens or when we burnt waste on the road.

We knew that using plastic is going to be harmful. But as egoistic, non-caring and haughty species we continued and this is how it ended.

With a sympathetic smile I looked my grandson who is watching these tiny animals with awe and adoration. I am scared, scared for his survival and the generation after him.

But more than fear I feel pity for children like him who would never be able to bath in the sunlight laying on the beach or read their favourite book in shade of a tree.

They would never be able to hear the laughter of sea or ride the roar of its waves. They will never have the opportunity to meet the beasts of jungle in flesh, flashing their glory.

Stoking his head I slowly muttered "I am sorry."

I woke up abruptly, my body is covered in sweat. I looked around to see my frantic friend whose voice was dimmed by the sound of waves.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You slept and started to whisper in an odd voice like you were old and exhausted and then you started to choke. Jesus I was so scared Lisa." replied my friend Rachel.

After calming down I said "let's go home" and Rachel simply nodded.

We collected our mats and other belongings and started to walk but suddenly Rachel fell hard on her butt.

"And I thought I was having day dreams". I teased her.

Rolling her eyes she showed me that a plastic bag was wrapped around her ankle due to which she tripped.

My whole body froze with my breathing so loud that it could be heard from a distance. I realised that I was not dreaming rather having a premonition.

Slowly picking the bag I dumped it in the dustbin and asked "What do you think about having a cleaning spree?"

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