Moon, My Love

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Moon, My Love

            I've been taught my whole life to protect the weak and fight the wicked, that's what this kingdom does. I saw past it. All it really was is killing the people who oppose you, the people who have something that you need. Food, oil, resources. I was the one who argued against my Father, I was the one who was going to change the future. I was the oldest, wisest. Therefore, offering my hand to a Princess was something I had to bury in the back of my mind. For now.

            For now, I was stuck in my bedroom, large enough to shelter all the homeless rejects. I was sent to my room by my Father for arguing against him, calling him a low life selfish King. I'll surpass him. I had to, for the people of the world. Where there is no more killing, no more selfish acts.

            The fresh touch of heat beamed down on me from my balcony, the air crisp and clean from up here, away from all the smoke and filth from the town below. People walked among themselves, clothed in dirty rags, not knowing what’s held in the future for them if my father gave the crown to someone else. I let my breath drag on, wanting nothing more but to hold him again. I couldn't wait any longer.

            When night came a few hours later, I grabbed my cloak and snuck out of the Castle, something that's has only started to become a routine. I met him almost a month ago, at the pond I would find myself drawn too almost every night. His back was facing me, dirt and mud covered most of is perfect shade of tanned skin and curled blond locks. Normally I would have left him be, turn around and walk back to my Castle, but something pulled me in, something about him I had to have.

            Since then we would meet at the same spot to talk, only recently have I kissed him, right after I had announce I was the Prince. He has yet to show up in a few days, though I did not give up.

            I emerged towards the pond, his back facing me just like the first time we met, his knees hugged to his chest. The moon hung low in the sky, reflecting its beauty off of the ponds surface. The flowers in the meadow were in full bloom, sending their scents floating in the air.  Sneaking up on him, something I learned how to do when I was only a toddler, I wrapped my arms around him causing him to jump. “I wasn't sure you were going to come.” I found myself saying as I gave him multiple kisses on his neck.

            His cold bony body shivered under my arms. It was the middle of spring, the cold weather was far gone. Something was wrong. “What is it?” I asked pulling him deeper into my arms.

            “You're the Prince of the Kingdom I serve, there's no future for us.” He wept, bending his head low trying to block me out.

            The future was something I had to change. Not because I was going to be King, but because it was my destiny. Being born into this world only for changing the future, a world without hate, without war's or death. No innocent child would have their bloodshed. But now, as I held Basin in my arms as he cried, I knew I had to make a different path. A path my destiny didn't make for me. “We'll run away together.”

            He didn't budge. “You can't just give up your crown. It doesn't work like that, you of all people should understand.”

            A laugh escaped my lips, “I can do whatever I want. That's the beauty of being human. I'll take care of you, we'll live on a plane, were all the different flowers grow. Have the mountains in our back yard. And I'll love you.”

            We fought for a while longer, him not believing in the words I spoke. In the end I was able to convince him, to have him wait a week, have me get resources on where to live so we wouldn't be bothered. I planned on stealing money from my father to get us started on the life we'll be spending together. Each night we would meet here and have him hide clothes we'll need, blankets and food for the journey. In the end, he seemed happy and excited about it.

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