Lipstick and coffee

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"I went to school in drag, in art school and my day was completely different because everybody thought I was a chick. You should see me as a chick. So I went as a girl, as like an experiment and it worked really well and everyone was really nice to me but I couldn't talk know train conductors were really cool to me on my commute...HA! I looked hot as a chick!" 

― Gerard Way

part 1.

Nobody will notice. Come on, nobody even knows who you are anyway so don't worry. I repeated to myself as I waited at the station for the train. 

I took a small mirror out of my school bag and checked to see if my make up was still okay. My eyes were circled with black eyeliner and a little bit of mascara a little lip gloss and blush also did the trick. 

" Damn I really do look like a chick" I mumbled as I put the mirror back in my bag. The train finally rolled into the station and I got on, nothing unusual just the everyday routine with the other commuters. 

"Hello young lady can I see your ticket please?" a train conductor smiled at me for the first time in forever. I smiled back awkwardly and handed him the ticket.

"You going off to school?"

I just nodded and stared out the window. 

"Not very talkative are you?"

I gave him a half smile and stared at my black chuck tailors.

"Oh well have a nice day missy!" he gave me back the ticket and proceeded with his usual routine.

I let out a sigh and looked back out the window. Wow I can't believe I just got called missy I though to myself figuring out whether I liked that or not.

"Now approaching *** station. Next Stop *** station." said the muffled electronic voice as the train made it's way trough a tunnel.

There was still a ways to go. 

I took out a pencil and my sketch pad from my bag and flipped trough it searching for a blank new page. The train came to a stop and some more people got on and off at the stop. After a minute or so we started moving again and I continued sketching random lines on the blank piece of paper hoping that they would turn into something. 

When the train came to another stop I looked up from what had now become another superhero-ish looking guy wearing an arm cannon or something like that and stared at the people getting on the train. I liked to observe the people around me on the train, I liked studying their faces and their bone structures and the way they talked and acted.  It was like I was a silent observer on the edge of reality just creepily staring at strangers and wondering whether they knew I was looking at them or not. A lot of times I'd sketch one of the other passengers just because I liked their nose or their elbows or stuff like that. You can get away with a lot of things when you're an artist.

The train was starting to get crowded and I wondered who would sit next to me today. I felt a pair of eyes stare at me from the crowd that had just shoved it's way into the tight train car. And there he was, the lucky winner of the empty seat where my bag was. 

"Hey is this seat taken?" 

I shook my head and moved my bag onto my lap avoiding any sort of eye contact  or possibility of me actually looking interested in talking to him. I usually didn't have a problem if strangers talked to me but still I preferred being alone in the company of my own thoughts. 

"Thanks" he gave me this goofy grin and sat down next to me. 

He was kind of a small kid and couldn't have been more than 16 or 17. He must have been ditching school to meet up with friends in New York or something, it was Friday after all. I continued sketching in silence and drifted off into my own thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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