[1]Damn Blanket!

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Happy haloween!! (Not haloween yet but whatever XD)Dear readers if there is a reader here ;w;

Just to tell im writing this while eating chilly powder...dont judge -_-. So if i did something wrong or just suddenly skip something im sorry cuz my mouth is burning so i cant focus on the story completly but im trying XD

<~chapter start~>


Its near haloween and ink wont stop begging me to come to the Au haloween party at dusttale. Why dusttale? It because the whole au dont have anyone there anymore and not like the void like the christmas party years ago...yes no one can forget that not even me. Ink invite everyone (literaly everyone) just like last years partys, but just like all other years i never accept the invitation. Ink keep begging me even cling on my feet even though i say "no" more then...i lost count after 257. He's been doing this for 3 day straight not leaving me alone for even 1 second and it is getting really annoying and when i say he didnt leave me he literaly didnt, not even when its night time. I cant sleep peacefuly...i need sleep. "Cmon dream pls pls pls pls!! Come to the haloween party! For once ;-;" ink say clinging to my feet as i walk to my kitchen to get coffee "ink pls...i already said no and im not changing my mind..." i say as i turn on the coffee maker. I yawn stretching my arms up. "Just this once? i promise" i sigh "no" i say once again yet ink wont stop "just-" "No" "for-" "No" "once ;-;" "No" "Please.." "NO!" This time i really cant take it i kick him so he'll let go of my leg and glare at him,its bad i know but i really need him to stop, i'll apoligize later. "Thats it! Ink you need to stop forcing me to go! Its getting annoying ,not just that i couldnt have any sleep for 3 day straight! For the last time IM NOTGOING TO THE HALOWEEN PARTY!!" he start to sob, tears forming at the corner of his eyes "but..." he didnt finish what he was about to say as i push him out of my house "no buts! Bye!" I push him out and slam the door close before he could say anything. I sight leaning back at the door then sliding down to the floor. I sat down there for a while before standing up and look out the window. Ink is still outside standing there like a statue looking at my door. I step away from the window and lock the front door,locking every window and closing every curtains. I sigh again as i walk to the kitchen and drink my coffee. As i drink from my cup i feel a sudden wind blow behind me...like someone ran pass me. I quickly turn around but as i look i saw no one. I look around the kitchen as my hand thats holding the cup move to the table, but since i wasnt paying attention my hand accidently hit something causing me to let go of the cup i quickly attepmt to catch it before it hit the ground but before i could reach it the cup stop in mid air but the coffee spill onto the floor. I stare at it not moving an inch, confused on how the cup is hovering and not falling to the ground.i close my eyes and shake my head and when i open my eyes the cup is on the table and the floor is clean not even a drop of coffee is there. I stand up straight and held my head "i really need some sleep..." i say to my self as i walk to the stairs and up to my room opening the door. This time i didnt feel cold wind blowing behing me, instead i feel a warm and comforting air around me and since im to tired i just let it and go to my bed then lay down on it hugging my pilow as the warm feeling slowly leaving me as i fell asleep.

~Dream realm~
I woke up in an empty white space. I look around not knowing where i am and hoping to find a clue about this place but found nothing ...nothing but white...an endless white. I look down to see well made puppet of au sanses and papyruses on the ground. I feel my self stading up and open a portal to an au and slowly walk trough it. When i got trough it i saw a wonderful view of the dark sky filled with stars. I know that im in outertale but i never feel this way when i came here...maybe its because i never take my time to look at the sky and relax. I let out a small smile as i watch the stars twinkle.
I sat down and stay there for a few minutes enjoying the view, not looking away from it for second. I hear footsteps behind me, who ever is behind me they are walking on snow that make their footsteps almost unhearable. I stay sitted but this time looking down to my lap as i sigh. I feel something hit my back like paint and then i start feeling a burning sansation it hurt so much i scream but nothing came out i try moving but i couldnt. I stay sitted as i feel my back burning paifuly but i couldnt do anything.i feel my self stand up slowly and turn around to see ink blue and...my self. I feel my body move again summoning bones and shoot it towards ink and my self. The bones move fast and almost hit ink. I yry to stop and talk but what i say was not what i wanted to say. Instead of saying to stop the fight what cane out of my mouth is "AreNt yOU tIred Of THiS?..." and i notice how my voice sound like... it sound like my self ofcorse but ...broken... emotionless...tired...and inpain...but ink didnt seem to care or pay attention to my words and keep attacking i want to say 'Stop and listen pls!!' I try to say as my body dodging inks attack and my own arrows for my other self but i didnt see any attack from blue. I scream ad i try to talk once again but other words came out "CaN we FiGHT anOthEr TimE?..." i say tiredly as i keep attacking them and dodging attack but still nothing from blue."Not untill you stop destroying AUs !!" I froze at that word...im a destroyer?...i try to talk again tell ink that i'll stop but i couldnt...i notice how my body stay still like it was chained down, but nothing is holding me down. I feel tears forming in the corner of my eyes and look up to ink only to see a bone flying towards me and stab me in the eye.
I woke up screaming and holding my eye in pain, breathing heavily. As soon as i look around im back in the white place...but i feel someone watching. I turn around and everything around me change, now im in a dark forest holding a noose in my hand putting it around my neck for some reason. I panic but stop when i hear something break. I look to my left to see nightmare...my brother...crying...in his half passive form looking at me. I remove the noose and walk towards him and hug him. I fogot how nice it feels to hold him like this... everything then start to fade.


I woke up calmly and look around my room. 'What was i dreaming?' I say in my mind as i feel something from my self...i felt my own positive energy. I can feel my own emotion ofcorse but never my own positive energy i could only sense someone elses positive energy...how?
I shook toughts away as i smile and get up from the bet stretching my body after sleeping. I couldnt seem to stop thinking of that last dream...i hugged nightmare and it felt so real. I kept thinking about the feeling as my toughts of the first dream slowly fade away from my mind. I walk out of my room and downstairs just to be greeted by a squid trying to sneek in trough a window that some how open. He didnt seen to notice me yet until i clear my throat. "O-oh! Hii d-dreamy" he say nervously "seriously? ...youre lucky im in a good mood squid so i dont mind it much" i loom at ink who now have a confused look and alittle suprised "where did 'squid' come from? Thats very unusual for you to call me that" after he said that i just relise how i just call him a squid then the other nick names i have for him. Thats new, but why does that sound so familiar? I shrug it of and look at ink "i just feel like calling you that. Why? you dont like being called that?" I say and giggle slightly. Ink just put on a pouty face at me "no i hate being called that!" That make me giggle more. I walk up to him and kiss his cheeck. "Ok im sorry i wont call you that again" i say giving a bright smile and he smile back."anyways why are you sneeking into my house?" He look at me with an apoligatic expretion "i wanna say sorry for forcing you to go. I havent let you slept peacefuly and bothering you so much..." i sigh and look at him "yknow what...fine. Ill go to the party just this once. If i dont want to go next year pls dont force me again" he smile and nod rapidly with star eyes "i wont! I promise!" He then hug me and i hug back. I let go of the hug "im gonna go change ok?" I smile as he nod his head. I walk back up to my room opening the door and enter the room. I open my closet and grab a new clothing. I close the closet and turn around. I jump back as i saw something fly in from my window. I then sigh after knowing what it is. It was the blanket that i hung up outside on my room's balcony, the blanket was blown by the wind and got stuck on the hanger next to the balcony door. I walk over to it "Damn blanket!" I say as i reach out to grab it but then i saw it moving not because of the wind but something or someone is behind it...


Wow 1824 words! Welp this is all i could came up for today, hope its not to bad ^-^".

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