Part 9

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(The light goes on in a dark)
Lance:where am I the last thing I remember I was walking down the street then these two guy with ski masks got me into this van
(The two guys show up and take off their masks )
Lance: Lucas and Linus I thought u were my friends
Lucas:tell us where the new address is
Lance:no I am sworn under secretary by Liam
Lucas:Linus bring it out
(Linus brings out their secret weapon)
Lucas:of u don't tell u you are going to suffocate in this dirty Landry
Lance:no please I need to survive how are the knots so tight
Linus:looks like u forgot about Lucas's hand strength
Lucas:and Linus's incredibly good Boy Scout skills
Lance:fine I'll tell u it's a river hill plaza
(Lucas unties him and he runs away faster than Lucas or Linus has ever seen him run)
Linus:I guess fear makes you run fast

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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