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I walked through the school doors wearing my favorite purple long sleeve shirt and black skinnies.

"Hey Char, what is my favorite person doing?" Seth asked in an oddly cheery tone.

"Seth, what do you want? I know your little sister is your favorite person, not me." I answered, slamming my locker loudly. "And how is Kat, I haven't seen her since her seventh birthday party?" I asked

"She's fine, and asks about you all the time. You're her favorite baby sitter." He replies anxiously.

"What do you need, Seth?" Sensing there was more to the sickening sweet greeting.

"I just want to know how your tutoring session went with Tyler." I said.

Who would've guessed? Someone asking about Tyler like he's scary... oh wait, he is.

"And you thought buttering me up, like a roll on Thanksgiving, would get you the answers you wanted? You know Seth, there is this thing called being straight up, you should try it. It will do wonders for you." I said with some sass.

"You didn't answer me."

"It was fine. We got some work done but he is behind. We worked for hours and only got to the third chapter of the History text book." I answered, slightly stressing out for the amount of work we need to catch up on.

"Wow, you do got some catching up to do but no one can be a genius like you." He said, a smile peaking out.

"I'm not a genius, I just have a lot of extra time on my hands." That was my excuse for my compulsive behavior. Even with practice, I always made time to be ahead and didn't mind to me.

"Sure you do, says the one to have hours of practice to do."

"Did, past tense. I got off the team remember?"

"Ahh, yes! I bet your Dad had a fit when he found out."

"He will when he does; I haven't told him yet." I don't ever want to tell him I quit. That seemed to be the only thing that made him proud. He wanted a son and when we didn't get one, he put me in sports.

We ended our conversation on that and headed to our classes. I turned the corner, a little fast and almost head butted someone.

"Oh God, why do you keep doing this to me." I heard a deep voice say, anger and disappointment laced in his tone.

"What?" I ask, still recovering from the almost concussion.

"Blondie, ya need to pay attention for God's sake." Tyler said

"Don't hug the wall so tightly." I replied.

"Whatever, Blondie. I have to go." He rushed away from me before I could say anything.

"But, don't you have cla-...Okay." I whispered as his shoulder pushing past me.

I turned around to see his tall frame leave the front doors of the school. I thought about going after him, to see where he is going. Something compelled me to do so, but it seemed he needed to be alone.

As I turned around to head to my advanced literature class when I heard a chuckle, "Bye, Blondie." Before he passed through the threshold.


I looked around the lunch room subconsciously for Tyler. I think Seth and Sarah caught on to my snooping and soon asked, "Whatcha looking for Char?" Sarah asked.

"What? Oh, nothing." I replied still distracted.

"She's looking for Tyler." Whispered Seth.

"I'm not, I was looking for Ms. B. I need to ask her about my grade in Advanced Lit. She gave me a 86 on a test." I answered their seem to be dying questions.

"Char, that's a better percentage than my average grade in the past two years. " Replied Seth proudly.

"I don't think that is something to be proud about, Seth." Sarah said slightly cringing.

"Whatever." He then proceeded to stuff his face with a granola bar.

Then I remembered she left after second period, oh well.

The three of us exited the lunch room going our separated ways. I turn the corner to get to class but hear my name be called. Called by a voice no body wants to hear.

"Char! Char!" She calls waving her hands around even though she's behind me. I turn around to see her stalking towards me with a glint in her eyes. This can't be good.

"Hi, Tracy." I mumble, my green eyes meeting her grey ones. "What do you need?"

See, Tracy belongs with the stereotypical popular group. They would be the perfect T.V. popular group. Tracy is at the top with her on and off boyfriend Tommy. Her best friends are next in line with their identical looks with Tracy. The sport team members are in the group depending on the season. All of them are pretentious and rude.

However, why would be Tracy Williams be talking to little 'ol me?

"Oh Char, I just have a little favor to ask of you." She says, stepping closer to me than I would like. "And what would that be?" I question.

"I need you, to stay away, from Tyler." She says nicely, but her tone screaming seriousness. She picks a golden lock off my shoulder, twirling it in between her fingers.

"What do you need from Tyler so badly? I thought you were with Tommy, I know you guys are on and of-"

"Tommy and I are on a break. Tyler is... interesting." She cuts me off with a smirk pulling at her lips.

"And you're telling me this, why?" I say, confused with what I have to do with this.

"You are tutoring him, yes?" I nod, "That means you'll be spending time with my Tyler and I don't like that." She pouts.

"So... can you speed it up? I have to get to class sooner than later." I urged.

"You don't make a move, you don't think about him, don't speak about him because he is mine. Don't get in my way because I run this school inside and out. Watch your step." She whispers and walks away.

Oh did I say her mom is the principle?

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