Chapter XV

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Griffin flicked a switch as the ship approached the small planet of Pluto. A quiet whirring noise sounded as the lights within the ship dimmed. "We'll be approaching the Jump-Point in...around five minutes." Her voice then became much more charming, sounding exactly like a tour guide. "Until then, if you would please look out the left you will see the lovely no-longer-a-planet Pluto."

"That voice is annoying."

"Your voice is annoying..." Griffin grumbled, not exactly having that much focus at the moment to think of a good comeback. He definitely realized this but snorted anyway. She shifted in her seat as she strapped in again, grabbing the steering joysticks. As they came around the planet, an octagon rimmed with blazing yellow and orange sparks seemed to flash into view.

"Alrighty, while we're going through it, it might feel as though you're going to vomit. Please don't because it's a new ship." With that said, Griffin pushed forwards on the controls and rocketed through the Jump-Point. Their vision was momentarily blinded by bright colors flashing before their eyes, but it was over in less than a second once they had reached the other side.

Griffin stared out of the windshield with wide eyes, her lips parting slightly. Asgard was...beautiful. The whole island portion of it was on top of a huge and flat circular platform of water, the liquid dripping off the sides all around the kingdom in steady streams. Where all that excess water was going and where it was even coming from is a complete mystery, but it looked awesome nonetheless. On top of the huge ass island was a golden palace surrounded by elegantly designed towers and buildings. On the very edge of the flat planet was a golden dome-shaped structure connecting to a long bridge. Not just any bridge. The bridge.

The Rainbow Bridge.

Descriptions do it no justice. It's quite the thing to behold. Colors flowed along it in wide or thin streaks, light pulsating off of it in waves.

"Pretty spectacular, right?" She heard Loki say from his chair.

"Yeah..." that was all she could say, as the girl was still sitting in awe.

"Well come on, enough admiring. We have a King to overthrow," Loki chuckled quietly as Griffin nodded. She pushed the shielding button, watching as the bubble of hexagons expanded around the entire ship before she flicked the switch beside it. They all flashed brightly.

"Mmmmk, we're invisible." The ship began to fly down towards the planet, and Griffin quickly made adjustments to the flight path to account for the Earth-like gravitational pull. "I'm setting us down under the bridge." Griffin looked out the window at the bridge as the ship slowly flew down beside it, approaching the landmass of Asgard.

The woman flicked another one of the holographic switches that would extend the landing gear before carefully setting the ship down on the sandy beach. She powered down the craft and unbuckled herself from the seat before she stood up and stretched. Without words, the two walked down into the cargo bay and started getting ready. Griffin pulled her black cloak over her shoulders and put up the hood before grabbing one of the energy rifles and an obsidian longsword. She put the sword into its sheath and attached it to her belt, along with slinging the rifle over her back.

She saw that Loki had done the same, only he had a sword on his belt and a handgun in his holster. Thankfully, he wasn't wearing that helmet, or they'd be spotted instantly.

Anyway, once they got down the ramp, Loki led the girl to a steep set of uneven stairs, grass poking through the large cracks in the stone. They walked up the curvy path, the crunching sound of their footsteps on the gravelly surface supplementing them with the only sound all around them. As they approached the palace, Loki seemed to get more and more tense, his eyes searching the area for any wandering Asgardians.

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