Chapter 3: Sparring Partners

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Eagleator's POV

My vision was a little blurry, but I seem to recognize the tall and buff figure coming towards me. He forced me to lay on the bed and he joined in. Hawkodile was on top of me, staring at me with lustful intent on his face. He plunges his face into mine and our lips came in contact with each other.

Suddenly somebody shook my shoulder and I heard a voice saying, "Come on, Bro. Wake up already!"

Then I realized it was only just a dream.

"Dude, finally! Let's start the day together!" Hawkodile exclaimed. I yawned and he asked me, "Why were your lips acting crazy earlier? Did you have a crazy dream?"

My cheeks turned red and I replied, "Never mind that. So what are we going to do today?"

"I want to get pumped in the morning and it's been so long that I sparred with you. Those  were good times," he smiled.

I got up in bed with excitement, "Let's get started then"

We went outside and started sparring. After a while, we were brawling in the air. We gave it all our best, but he sure is stronger than me. We took a break and we both appreciated our skills.

"Hey. I just realized, you have the same height as me now. I knew you had a crush on someone and I'm glad you manned up and told your feelings," he smiled and patted my back.

"Umm... Yeah," I lightly said.

Then the moment was disturbed by the grumbling of our bellies.

"I guess you can eat with me and the gang at the castle," he offered.

"Maybe? I don't know. They might react differently when I'm around," I said.

"No. I'm sure we can reason with them. I'll be happy if you'll come," he encouraged me to come.

"I will be happy if you were the one to 'come'," I muttered.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Nothing! Come on let's get to it," I said.

Feathers and Fur (Eagleator x Hawkodile x Dr. Fox)Where stories live. Discover now