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Chapter 301: Copyright

Translator: Yukidaruma Translations Editor: Yukidaruma Translations

Currently, the control over the management of all the books in the Empire was very strict, especially for Nurturing techniques, Training techniques, Amassing techniques, and Killing techniques. Aside from the academies and factions, people who distributed the books without permission would receive heavy punishments.

However, books like Fang Xingjian's biography and novels would not have any relevant legal regulations, nor would there be any concept of copyright. Basically, no one would care if a person were to buy a copy of the book, duplicate its contents, and then sell them.

Even the Head of Department, James, was not able to start the concept of piracy by setting up a regulation about copyrights. There were far too many obstacles in order for one to obtain this. Even with his background and reputation, he would not be able to accomplish it, nor was there a need for him to do so.

What he needed to do was submit Fang Xingjian's 《The Secrets to Sword Training》 and have it categorized as a sword arts secret manual. This would make it easier to manage, and it would receive the same protection as other secret manuals. With that, no one would be able to casually pirate and distribute it.

Of course, with James' reputation, he would only be able to submit this to the Great Western Region's Regional Office. It would be too tough and too costly for it to be approved by the central government.

That was why James had said that he would only be able to control the books within the Great Western Region.

After saying that, James then smiled and said, "If I were to submit the 《The Secrets to Sword Training》to the authorities, then as private representatives, you would not be able to sell it as you wish."

Ferdinand had been prepared for this. So, he continued to smile and then said, "Isn't this what Lord James is here to discuss with me?"

After knowing that Fang Xingjian would look for James to help out, Ferdinand had expected this to happen. He continued speaking, "If you can let us sell the books under the name of the Regional Academy's Sword Arts Department, I can give you a 5% share of the profits."

James' expression did not change as he said, "20%."

Ferdinand smiled and leaned back against the sofa. He then looked toward Fang Xingjian who was cultivating with his eyes closed and asked, "Xingjian, how much do you think it should be?"

Instantly, James lost his vigor. He had no other choice. Fang Xingjian was too important to him right now. There were only two ways James could keep a genius with Fang Xingjian's talent and character.

The first method was to be like the First Prince and use force. The other method was to be like how Ferdinand was now, trying his best to let things go as Fang Xingjian wished. Ferdinand was very confident about this.

James, the Head of Department, glared at Ferdinand. Then he let out a long breath and said, "Alright, give me another offer. It can't be 5%. I'll have to report this bonus to the department. Everyone would gossip about it."

Ferdinand nodded and offered, "Then let's each take a step back and make it 10%."

James still wanted to haggle further, but he gave it some thought and decided that as the Governor from two generations ago, he could not lose his pride here.

Therefore, the matter was finalised as such. Ferdinand, Robert, and Anthony as well as the 《The Secrets to Sword Training》 would have their names registered under the Regional Academy. The book would be sold as the Regional Academy's sword arts manual, and a 10% share of the profit would be paid to the Regional Academy.

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