Beautiful Stranger

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With lips painted of lust
A face of white porcelain
What are you hiding
Oh , Beautiful Stranger

The soft gentle touch of the silk from your kimino brushed against your legs as you twirled to the sound of the shamisen ringing through your ears. The fan's you held in your hands, fluttered flawlessly with the movements of your wrists. 

All male eyes were on you,. Some with amazement, some with lust. With each movement you would stare back. These eyes watching you were nothing out of the ordinary. You were an artist. You were simply there to entertain. You were there to only sing and dance. And they were there to only watch. 

However a pair of eyes caught you attention that night. Eyes you've never once laid on before. With the color of the bottomless ocean, they seemed to pierce through your virgin soul. They were like magnets. With every twirl you always found yourself staring back at them over and over again. It was like you were lost with no way of escaping. 

When the music came to a halt, you too ended your performance with a last throw of your fan. Claps and cheers erupted throughout the room. You looked up from the tatami floor and one again found yourself lost in the crystal like orbs.  But that wasn't all that caught your attention. His hair, resembled the golden threads embroidered onto silk. Oh, how much you wanted to run your hands through it. 


You heard your mentor call your name. With a single glance her eyes motioned you to the teapot. Gracefully you hobbled across the tatami and kneeled with your feet tucked neatly under your legs. Elegantly you took hold of the teapot with both hands. You poured the steaming beverage into the cups, a small smile graced your painted red lips to the men as you handed them their cup. Swiftly and gracefully you moved around the room, lightning up cigarettes or serving sake. And from time to time you would steal glances with blue-eyed man. He would dip his head and smile warmly at you and you would return the favor and smile back.  The men would crack jokes and you would laugh softly with them. From the corner of your eye you would see him laughing along too. 

Night after night, performance after performance. He would be there watching you with the same blue eyes you learned to love and crave for. His smiling lips that made your heart flutter. You wanted it all. All the other men were nothing compared to him. Each and every look you exchanged with him was like fuel igniting your burning desire. He was a total stranger. Yet, you felt such feeling for him. But for being a geisha you must sacrifice love. Was it really love though? Or was it just lust? The realization of him being someone you'd never reach, squeezed you heart till no end.  

"Onee-san," you said softly. You were sitting in the rickshaw with you mentor, making your way to your next destination. 

"Yes [Name]?" she replied.

"Why can't geisha's fall in love?" 

To which your mentor replied with. "Remember [Name], we sell our skills not our body." 

"Why must we become geisha?" you asked. 

 "We are artist's [Name], and we create a secret world of only beauty." she then placed a sturdy hand on your shoulder. "We don't become geisha's because we want to. Fate has drawn our path, we become geishas because we have no choice." 

You approached your venue and politely greeted your guests. However to your dismay the man you were hoping to see wasn't there. His genuine smile, his soft locks of golden hair and those blue eyes you dearly fell for were no where to be seen in the crowd. Your heart seemed to crack and shatter. Without his presence you felt nothing. There was no more secret glances, no more burning desires, but a feeling of emptiness and sorrow that plagued your heart.  The claps and cheers from the male guests meant nothing to you. You wanted him and only him. 

You returned to the okiya where you were to stay for as long as you were a geisha. You greeted the house mother politely to whom you addressed as "oka-san." However she only responded with a scoff and the scornful look she always wore.  As you walked down the tatami hallway, you were greeted by the other geishas who were also living in the house. There were some you got along with while there were others who seeked rivalry and competition.  

You could feel your skin start to breath again after you had removed the white make-up from your skin. The hair pins and pieces were removed allowing your long black hair to cascade down to your lower back. You were freed from the restraints of the tight kimono and changed into something loose fitting. 

The night was calm with the soft sound of birds and crickets. The moon was at it's fullest and glowing at it's brightest. Stars dotted the endless dark sky. It all seemed so magical.  Your shoji screen was open, allowing the cool breeze to blow in. You sat on the futon, hugging your knees to your chest and resting your head to on your arms, admiring the breathtaking scene presented before you. A single candle flickered beside you. The sleeves of your kimono were loose, revealing the naked skin of your shoulders; a feature a man would crave to see of a geisha. 

You closed your eyes. All you could think about was the man with the blue eyes. He seemed so perfect, too perfect. Was a beautiful being like him even permitted to walk on the face of earth? You reached your arm out as if you were reaching out to hold him. Oh, how much you wanted to see him again. Just one more time. To touch him, to hold him against you. Was it too much to ask for? 

"Beautiful maiden, why do you look so glum? A sullen face will only destroy your beauty." 

You opened your eyes and quickly looked up to the sound of the voice. An outline, a shadow stood before you. The feeling returned, a feeling you were too familiar with. You reached your hands out and brushed the shadow with your fingertips. The feeling of warm skin sent shivers down your spine. 

You suddenly felt firm hands lacing their fingers with yours. Your heart fluttered by the contact. 

"How'd you find me?" you whispered. 

A low chuckle escaped the male's parted lips. "Such beauty is impossible to lose sight of." he replied. 

You breathed in his scent to create an everlasting memory. "I missed you." you said softly. 

He leaned closer towards you, allowing you too see his full face. His blue eyes you ever so loved gazed into yours. With shaky fingers you cupped his face. Your thumbs gently brushed against his skin. It was all like a dream. He was finally with you, alone. 

Slowly he drew closer until his lips were only a fragment away from yours. Lost in the gaze you dearly missed, you wounded your arms around his neck and dragged him down with you as your back met the softness of the futon. 

A sin you thought to you'll never commit. It was undeniable. You were in love, with this beautiful stranger... 

Beautiful Stranger [Naruto One-shot]Where stories live. Discover now