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You thought you knew the world. Turns out everyone was wrong. In the earlier years known as "Forgotten", the government created the perfect machine. It created the correct currency to pay off all debt, cure every disease and match people to their perfect location. It was... Perfect. Without any more help from the government, they collapsed. We now live in an era known as "Left", as in what's left. The computer went rouge. The only problem is that no one knows the computers location. It has divided the entire world into two divisions. The first division is for the powerful. We call this division, "Gifts." People that live in this division hold powerful gifts. No one knows where these gifts came from or when they started. They just came about when the world was split. This world never has to work, clean, pay or learn. This division has roads of gold and bulbs of diamond. People in this division never have to lift a finger, they have endless money and no worries. It's still... Perfect. The other division is pathetic. Work is our main import and export. The divisions name is "Workers". We are born strong workers with no special powers, we are just normal humans. We work for our food, homes, and water. We die every day from starvation, heat, and exhaustion. Our division is filthy. We have broken roads and homes made of mud and old cardboard. We have dirty water and polluted air from the factories and machines. We hold debt, not in money, but in hours. No one can trust one another. We steal, kill, rob, and lie every day. We don't choose our worlds. The machine does. The machine chooses everything. The machines name is Life and it controls us.

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