Chapter Twenty-Three - Keep him in your cell as a privilege of mine

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Author note: Thank-you so much for your amazing support! As you had to wait a whole month for me to update, I decided I'd write for you again!!


[4 days later - Clara POV - London, United Kingdom.] 

I sighed, declining yet another call from Matty, this was now the fourty-fourth call that Matty had tried to make to me, and each one had made my heart break a little more inside as I pressed 'decline' or let the rings become eerie and die out. 

I hadn't left my bedroom since arriving back in the UK three days ago now, I had been an emotional wreck on the whole plane ride home, and the lack of sleep I had right now was eating me alive. But jet lag mixed with an emotional teenager was not good, and I was left laying awake until I could no longer keep my eyes physically open, but I would always be awoken after a few hours sleep by a nightmare. 

My father.

Why did I keep dreaming of my father more and more? 

The thought of him made me sick to my stomach and shake in fear. I couldn't bare to think of the pain he caused my mother, and I kept being awoken because of her screams that had been imbelished into my mind at such a young age. 

After Matty had told me about us all going to the VMA's I had been constantly dreaming about my father finding me and harming me and my brother again, and I couldn't feel okay at all. My world was falling apart and crumbling around me at every second. 


I felt selfish, because Matty was probably losing his mind trying to figure out where the fuck I had escaped to. He knew I had my phone with me because I listened to some of the voicemails he'd left me. 

He was sobbing and angrilly cursing at himself for even accepting to go onto the VMA's, saying he was a horrible person for dragging me along with him.
But he didn't drag me along with him, and I didn't blame Matty for any of these feelings of mine. 
The thought of Matty warmed my heart and I couldn't help but smile at the memories I'd made with him in such a short time. 

I hadn't realised it, but I was falling for Matty from the moment I had met him, and last night I listened to another voicemail.

He was begging for me to answer my phone and tell him where I was, he asked if I had been upset because of him, or was it the stupid comedian who he'd apparently punched in the face at the after party. 
Headlines had been going wild as Matty had attacked the comedian for his comments on me. Matty was highly emotional and intoxicated and he wasn't thinking. 

Rage took over him, like it had when he'd fought with my ex boyfriend. 

And as I just sat in silence and listened to the same voicemail from Matty over and over until my credit was empty, each time I listened carefully to his pleas, I fell deeper and deeper in love with him.

I can now admit it.

I, Clara Marie, am stupidly in love with Matty Healy, a stupid rockstar from a stupid band that I also love.

His curly hair, his dumb jokes and the shit eating grin that took over his facial features made my heart and stomach do sommersaults endlessly. 

I had been completely stupid to have ever decided to leave because of a comment some prick had made. And I suddenly decided that I'd let him know.

[4AM - Third person POV] 

Clara had finally managed to go to bed early and actually go to sleep. She'd calmed herself down and let herself relax, and just after nine 'o clock, she'd feel into a nice slumber. 

However, the familiar voice of her brother, Sam, woke her up as he rapidlly shaked her and whispered, but almost in a shouting kind of way. 

"W-what's the matter? What time is it?" Clara mumbled, rubbing her eyes and facing her brother who looked panicked.

"Clara, you've got to stay quiet and get under your bed until I get him out for long enough. He's looking for you, try to sneak out of the flat and just leave as quick and quietly as you can." He rushed. 

She raised her eyebrows, and felt the fear taking over her as she shook her head quickly. 

"No, no, no, no. He's not here is he? How did he find us? How? No." 

Sam sadly nodded and bit his lip, and every fear that Clara had tried to get rid of suddenly awoke inside of her as she grabbed onto her brother with all of her might. 

"You're not going out there, call the police Sam, please, call the police.." She said, breathing heavily.

A panic attack began to occur as Sam shook his sister again. "I have to, the police will do nothing, just do as I said and get out. He's looking for you for some reason." 

Clara's heart and chest tightened and she felt like she couldn't breathe at all. 

Going on TV with Matty had not been a good idea at all. 

Her father was now here asking for her, and she had no idea what to do.


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