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Jamaima had started to cry now at night as she was missing her parents so much. But her ugly,mean and cold-hearted sister-in-law was too bothered about her own children and pretty much ignored and left jamaima to do everything. Jamaima was very lonely and sad.In fact at times her sister-in-law would make poor Jamaima teach her own kids but she never cared about Jamaima's education.

Anyway, Jamaima's brother was at work and never new about the way his wife treated his younger sister. In fact he thought Jamaima was looked after very good-as though Jamaima was happy and treated like a queen- a position that she rightfully deserved. Even Jamaima's brother never noticed the eyebags or the marks on Jamaima's arms. When he would buy something for his own kids- he'd maybe buy Jamaima something. But in the morning Jamaima's sister would snatch it and give it to her own kids.

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