my wish

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Loomine; creation
A beautiful creation indeed.
She is the sole reason for my being alive right now.

It's funny how her memories make me smile even though I have lost everything I had. Her memories are like the first ray of dawn in this dark cellar.

She is from a noble family, she is not allowed to talk to commoners like me. She is never allowed to leave her mansion without her bodyguards except for when she lefts with her grandma. Her grandma never allows any bodyguard to trail her.
I met her in a park when she was talking with her grandmother. No, maybe it would be more appropriate to say I bump into her while being chased by the shopkeeper for stealing pastry for my sister.
She paid for the pastry in my stead.

"I will be here everyday at this hour with my grandmother. If you ever need anything just ask me."
Those words still rings in my ears. I kept meeting her, every single day. Even on rainy days, I waited for her in that park even after knowing she wouldn't be able to come. But I never took a chance. I had to work up to late night to make up time to meet her but I never had any regret.

"Aside from grandmother, you are the only one who understands me. The only happy moments of my life is this one hour I get to meet you. How I wish I could escape from that cage. I wish I could be with you like this forever."
Those were the last words I heard from her. I know I won't meet her ever again, not after what I have done. But I wish I could free her from her misery, I wish I could make her happy, I wish I could give her freedom. I could do anything for her happiness.

"Anything? Are you certain? If so I can grant your wish."

"Who is it? Who are you?"

"Me? I am Abraxas. People call me the devil."

"Devil? But you look like a human."

"Oh dear, I can take any form, as I please."

"Why would a devil help me?"

"For a price of course. I can give you fame, money, power or you can make the girl happy. But then your soul is mine. You can never get anywhere near heaven. Do you agree?"

" ........."

"What are you waiting for? Do you doubt my powers? Or are you hoping that God will save you? What has God given you except for pain?
You worked hard day and night to buy medicine for your mother, for ensuring your sister's education.
But what happened? You are inside a prison for saving your sister's dignity but what you did was just punish the person who raped your sister. You killed the one who killed your sister. What you did was the right thing to do.
But you had to left your mother behind, you could barely see the face of your sister for the last time. And alas your mother died last week. With no food, no medicine, no one beside, what a painful death she had.
Yes, of course, God gave you that girl, some pleasant memories but only to make you suffer even more.
Do you still not want me to help you? Without me, you would end up dying in this very prison and your memories, your wish will perish along with you. What will happen to that girl? She will be married off to a blue blood and see the world from that window in her bedroom for the rest of her life.
But I can get you out of here, I can help you bring happiness her life. Now choose."

"I will give you my soul, I will burn in hell for a thousand times, so please just let me make her happy."

"Here, you just need to drop a drop of blood."

"No don't do it. You will regrate it someday. You are certainly going to regrate someday. Believe your Lord, there will be better days for both of you. Don't do it. Don't" Shawn heard a voice within himself. An unknown but still a trustworthy voice. But alas, he already made up his mind. All he wants is to make her happy.
His finger slipped through the blade and a drop of blood finalized the contract between a devil the boy who knew nothing of what will happen next in his life.

"Very well then, I will get you out of this prison tomorrow morning."

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