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"Are you kidding me?" I gasped not believing what she had just told me.
"I want you to be there, it's only my mum and his parents so I want you to come as well, it's gonna be quick, quiet and casual." She said simply
"Alecia, you never told me you had a boyfriend! How the fuck are you now getting married, and why are you telling me at such a random time. I'm so confused...really confused...but I suppose I'm still happy for you...I think"
"I love you so much Aaliyah brown. You are truly the bestest friend anyone could ever want"

I couldn't help but stick out my bottom lip slightly before lunging forward and giving her a hug, it was such an 'aw' moment. I wanted to celebrate so I decided to take her out for a drink and spoil her, it took some convincing, but eventually she agreed, so I got dressed and did my makeup and tied my braids in a high ponytail, before I layed...no...slayed my edges😇.

We came back a few hours later, It wasn't too late into the evening, but when we bursted into my apartment it was like a bull in a China shop, and we couldn't help but giggle at each other, when we finally stopped behaving like little kids we both looked up from each other and jumped slightly at the sight infront of us. Of course it was Kells on the sofa asleep, it looked like he had cooked himself some food and enjoyed the bottle of tequila he was practically hugging to himself.

Alecia and I both rolled our eyes at each other as we put our bags down and started to clean up the mess he made. We eventually finished up. I gave a small sigh as I looked at the lanky boy layed on the sofa in front of me and then back to my friend.

"Do you want me to help you wake him up"
Lesha said smirking at me slightly.

I nodded my head as I smirked back at her. The pair of us scurried into the bathroom to  get the spray bottle, we giggled quietly as we filled it with cold water, as we were walking towards him Alecia pulled me back slightly before raising her eyebrow at me and pointing to my shoes, I assumed she was referring to the click clack of the heels I was wearing. I shrugged my shoulders, as I didn't even understand myself,why I left my heels on. Alecia got so excited about our childish little plan that she started spraying him with the water, so I just picked up the closest pillow and whacked him with it. Alecia and I squealed like kids, as she ran and ducked behind the counter of the kitchen I panicked and sat down on the sofa and pretended to be asleep. He had such a delayed reaction, as I heard him groan loudly, I assumed he was stretching or something as he didn't make any noise.

I waited a while before I slyly opened one of my eyes, and since Alecia had stopped giggling in the corner I thought We had gotten away with it and maybe he was actually that drunk, that he didn't even wake up, or he'd walked to the bedroom. I was wrong.

When I opened my eyes he was face to face with me, I jumped at first, until I found myself side glancing him, wondering what he was up to. He was crouched down in front of me with a stupid grin on his face. I wondered what he was smiling at, as he lost his balance and fell on his ass. I couldn't help but chuckle as he got himself to his feet. I noticed his cheeks flush a light shade of red as his eyes scanned over me. I'd somehow forgotten that I was still wearing my dress and heels, even though it was practically suffocating me.

"Wow, you look...wow" he slurred slightly as his eyes widened.

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