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I kicked the door open, and looked around his room frantically. If something happened to my brother, I swear I don't know what I would without him.

"KED?!" I screamed

(A/N: I wanted to shorten his name.)

He came out of his closet with a shot gun. What is he doing with a gun?

"Get down on the ground." He commanded, his demanding voice caused me to jump a little.

"Ked what are you doing you know how I feel about- ."

"DIDN'T I SAY GET DOWN." He yelled

I immediately got down on the ground and covered my head. My body started to shake. I don't like being around guns... they bring back terrifying memories.

I uncovered my head and looked up at kedrick.

He loaded the shot gun and lifted the window.

"YOU WANT TO SHOOT AT ME NOW HOMEBOY, I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOUR ASS." He yelled while pointing the gun through the window.

I've never seen him like this... He's always been my annoying, stupid black ass brother. Nothing more, nothing less. Who would've known he would turn to a thug in two seconds?

He loaded the gun and started shooting.

I slammed my eyes shut and tried to drown out the loud shots.

August's POV:

Oh so I guess o'l boy thinks he tough. Yelling like he a damn animal and shooting back at us.

Okay, this nigga is not ready for this.

I hid behind a truck, Tiny hid on the corner of a house, and poonie hid behind the bushes.

I shot back as soon as I ran out of bullets, Tiny shot at him. I must admit, Ked is kind of smart.

If he was in a one story window he would've been dead on the spot. But he's upstairs so we gotta shoot at a certain angle and all that bull.

"Yo August, I'm out of bullets." Tiny said,

"Me too." poonie said

"Damn, let's head out then."

We all got on foot, and started running. All was good until I felt a sharp pain in my side.

I let out a loud grunt and collapsed to the ground, everything started getting blurry,Tiny and Poonie's voice started to grow faint, my breathing became slower and slower.

Damn is this the end?

Ky's POV:

The gun shots were so loud, I didn't even realize I was crying.

A loud grunt erupted from the streets.

"Got em." My brother whispered, while closing the window. He threw the gun in his closet and kneeled down to me.

"Sorry you had to see that." He said softly.

I pushed myself off the floor and looked at him. My eyes a bit puffy and blurry from crying.

His face softened and he pulled me into a hug. I broke down in his chest, I cried so hard that I couldn't even breathe.

"Ked why are you doing this? Why are you shooting people? Why are people robbing our house?" I said in between breaths.

He sighed and rubbed my head.

"I needed the money..."

I pulled away from him, "Money for what?"

"College, a brother can't stay in the hood forever. Plus I want to make a way for us Ky."

"Ked, things like that takes time."

He shook his head.

"I've been in this house for eighteen years. We can't stay in the hood for long."

He's so stubborn and impatient, sometimes. He just wants to do everything the fast way. But I see why... it's because of us.

"How much money did you borrow Ked?"

He bit his lip and looked down.

"Promise you won't tell."

I rolled my eyes and nodded

"About sixty-thousand..."

I slapped him on his arm. "Ked that much?! really?"

"Yeah really! Do you know how much college cost?"

I shook my head and put my hand on my forehead.

"You're so-."

The door burst open, I turn around to see mama and dad.

They ran over to us and hugged us.

"Are you guys okay."

"Yeah we're okay mama." Ked said while peeping an eye at me.

"Yeah we're fine."

"We found a young man and his friends outside, I guess he was an innocent bystander during the shooting, so we decided to help him." Daddy said

I frowned, "why didn't you take him to the hospital?"

"His friends said that he didn't have insurance and we figured that you'd help us with his wounds." He said

I nodded and followed him downstairs.

The body that was on the couch made me freeze.

"Oh my God." I whispered.


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