Chapter 5

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So, I thought I would have more time to work on this story, but once happened.

My best friend moved away and it's been kind of a rough time :/

But hopefully everything will return to normal.

Hope you guys are having a good time and once again THANK YOU SO MUCH for staying with this story lol

It really really really REALLY means a lot :D

With out furthe ado!

Chapter 5 peoples...

Chapter 5

I could feel my face twist in panic. My heart began to beat three times faster than it already was (was that even possible?!) If they got me, it was all over. Everything. The things that would happen if they got me back in their clutches--I couldn't even imagine it.

They would probably out right kill me.

Snapping out of my fear-induced haze, I scrambled faster down the steps. The loud echoes of the mens' loud shouts and rushed feet filled my ears. I was just about to ask Rayne what I was suppose to do next when, "There! Look, I found her! She's a couple flights beneath us!" Their steps got louder and I ran so fast, I was surprised I hadn't fallen flat on my face by then.

R: Go through the door right in front of you, on this landing, now!

With my heart in my throat, I pushed my arms far out in front of me, running through the door. It swung shut in my wake as I halted on the other side, panting and whipping my head around out of reflex.

"What do I do now?! I can't see anything, obviously. Where am I? They're coming, we gotta be fast, guys!" I could hear the hysteria leaking into my frantic voice. I couldn't stop rambling.

M: I'll take it from here, Rayne. I'm more familiar with this area, anyway...Ok, Tren walk forward about twenty steps and you should feel another door. Go through it, and then immedietly turn left.

Biting a hole through my lip, I followed her directions to the T. When I was on the other side and waiting on more instructions, I began to get antsy.

"Ok, I'm here. What now?" I grimaced at the sound of pounding steps. They were getting closer, faster.

M: Ok, walk a few more steps down this hallway you're in, and then you should feel a metal door on your right.

I shuffled forward some and then stuck my arms out in search of the door's handle. Once I felt the metal I asked, "Now what?" I began to bite my lip furiously, my stomach cramping with nerves.

M: Walk through the door and go straight forward. You should hit a tiled wall almost immediately; it's a bathroom.

Practically breaking the door down in my haste to get inside, I almost smacked my face (again) in the wall that I walked into. It was closer than I thought. Rubbing my forehead and wrinkling my nose in anxiety and pain, "Ok, now?"

M: If you feel up the wall, a little bit above your head, you should feel a window. You'll have to climb on top of the toilet to reach it. If you flip the lock in it, it'll open up wide enough for you to go through it. Since you're on the first floor now, it won't be a far drop.

"But where does this window take me?" I was really confused. Practically being able to feel her rolling her eyes at me, mentally, she explained further what she meant.

M: Outside, duh. If you could see, it would show you the front yard of this place and all the trees in the surrounding forests, but, ya know...ya can't, so...

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