You know

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Jenna's POV
I hisse in pain at the new found pressure on my stinging wrist. I whipped around. "What the f" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw who grabbed my arm.
Troye's POV
"What the f" she snapped as she turned. I looked at her pale face. She looked like she had just been hit by a truck. Small, angry, red-marks surrounded the corners of her mouth. Her eye looked lightly darkened, and her lips were dripping with red. I looked at her body. Dark spots covered her black shirt.
"What the hell happened to you?"
She shot me a dirty look and ripped away.
"Why don't you ask your FUCKING FRIENDS!?" she yelled as she crossed the street. I followed her.
"What do you mean?"
"It was pretty self-explanatory"
"Stop! Jenna, what the actual hell happened"
"I'm not gonna risk getting beaten again"
"Your scared your gonna get beaten by my scrawny-ass?"
"No, just your entourage"
She continued to stomp away.
"Wait up!"
She said nothing and continued to walk.
"Where the hell are you going anyway?"
"Home dumbass"
"You live around here?" I said once I realized where we were heading.
"Yes, actually, unlike you and your snobby friends, I live in the ghetto! Happy?"
"I'm sorry for what ever happened, I really am, but why are you taking this out on me?" I panted as I started to catch up.
"Your clique, your behavior Mr.Sivan" She said she walked into a scary old house. Scary being an understatement. It was peeling, it was rotting, it really did look as if it was going to disintegrate. Just as I was going to walk up to the door, a large dog flung himself at the holed screen door. It began to bark and push itself at the creaky door, so I decided to go.

Once I was about a block away, I decided to text Zoe.
Hi! Do you know what happened to that girl Jenna?
-Troye xx
As soon as I stepped through the white door of my home, my phone buzzed.
Who? And No. Why....Wanna grab dinner with Alfred and I?

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